
Persevering through high-pressure situations

Professor Karl Moore sits down with Mark de Rond, a professor of organizational ethnography at the University of Cambridge, to discuss how humans physically and emotionally respond to extreme adversity. In Professor Moore’s experience, the perseverance of individual leaders in the face of stress is critical to team success when encountering unexpected challenges.

Published: 23 Aug 2021

Pandemic breeds empathy in leaders

Professor Karl Moore discusses his recent research on how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced extroverted and introverted leadership styles. Most people slowly became ambiverts in lockdown, Professor Moore says, with extroverts learning how to be alone and introverts realizing how much they missed social interaction.

Published: 23 Aug 2021

Desautels Alumnus Appointed Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge

This fall, Kamal Munir (Ph.D.’00) will step into a new role as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge (UK). Munir taught at McGill for four years before moving to Cambridge, where he has served as an instructor of policy and strategy at the Judge Business School for the past 20 years.

Published: 12 Aug 2021

Saint-Hubert airport searches for competitive edge

Montreal’s Saint-Hubert Longueuil Airport is intent on expanding its services to include more frequent, lower-cost flights, some to international destinations. Professor Karl Moore believes that most business professionals will continue to fly through Billy-Bishop Airport for convenient flights between downtown Toronto and Montreal.

Published: 5 Aug 2021

Ashton Kutcher’s twin brother inspires with story of overcoming adversity

Michael Kutcher never let his cerebral palsy diagnosis stop him from impacting the lives of thousands through his public speaking, not-for-profit service, and memoir. Professor Karl Moore spoke with Kutcher, who is actor Ashton Kutcher’s twin brother, about the innovative mindset, values, and family support that led Kutcher to his current role as the Assistant Vice President of Transamerica.

Published: 4 Aug 2021

The value of ambiversion

Amidst the ongoing debate on the value of introversion versus extroversion in leadership, a growing body of literature suggests the extrovert and introvert labels do more harm than good, portraying personality as less complex than it really is.

Published: 6 Jul 2021

Chef entrepreneurs hold the ingredients for success

Keeping a restaurant alive during a pandemic requires a high degree of creativity and tenacity. Antonio Park, the founder and owner of Montreal restaurant Park, sits down with Professor Karl Moore to reflect on the strategies that carried him through one of the most challenging seasons for the restaurant industry in recent memory.

Published: 6 Jul 2021

Entrepreneurial spirit fuels economic growth in Quebec

In the decades following the Quiet Revolution, Quebec saw the rise of “Quebec inc.,” a new category of francophone owners and companies who were determined to make a mark in a largely anglophone-dominated business ecosystem.

Published: 6 Jul 2021

Ready for takeoff

With the dip in domestic air travel as a result of the pandemic, pilot David Morgan redefined the flight experience by launching AxAir Aviation, a charter plane service for local business and tourist travel along the coast of Nova Scotia.

Published: 10 Jun 2021

Timing is everything

Branding and marketing initiatives across industries rely heavily on trend-spotters like Laura Saunter, who predicted millennials’ obsession with pink several years ago. Professor Karl Moore outlines Saunter’s methods, which utilize a creative assembly of artistic and mathematical tools to discern what product characteristics will catch the consumer’s eye in weeks, months, or years down the line.

Published: 10 Jun 2021

Blazing a trail for reconciliation

Professor Karl Moore joins Wáhiakatste Diome-Deer in a conversation with Jolain Foster to learn about how her identity as a Gitxsan informs her career in accounting at Deloitte. Foster is committed to building bridges between peoples from different cultures in every aspect of her work, something she sees as the cornerstone for creating more efficient and successful corporations.

Published: 4 Jun 2021

Practical tips for introverted leaders

Based on interviews with more than 400 CEOs, Professor Karl Moore offers practical suggestions for introverted leaders to support their more extroverted employees. For the introvert, he says, verbally responsive listening and taking on the role of an engaged “sounding board” are helpful ways to encourage creative yet actionable ideas in the workplace.

Published: 3 Jun 2021

Creating entrepreneurial solutions in the arts

Childhood friends William Lande and Sam Tannenbaum are taking the art world by a storm with their online sales business, Bidgala, which connects artists with potential buyers. Professor Karl Moore delves into the duo’s vision for growing an accessible, user-friendly platform for emerging artists that emphasizes the personal stories and experiences behind each piece.

Published: 3 Jun 2021

When introverts should act like extroverts 

Professor Karl Moore has interviewed hundreds of CEOs to research the impact of introversion and extroversion on leadership. While those who fall squarely on the introvert end of the spectrum have their advantages, there are times when acting like an extrovert is crucial to success, he argues.    

Published: 27 May 2021

8 signs you could be an ambivert

Professor Karl Moore weighs in on the age-old debate about extroverts and introverts, pointing to the middle of the spectrum: ambiversion. In his experience, ambiverts can gain a competitive advantage through drawing from both orientations as needed.

Published: 21 May 2021


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