Case competitions & challenges


Case competitions & associations

McGill Desautels has a strong winning record on the world stage. Stay up to date on our Case competitions, Challenges, and Hackathons!

Are you a student looking to get involved? A school interested in reaching out?

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On this page: 

Associations and Bodies
Competitions at McGill Desautels and BSRM
Recent Achievements
Richard G. Donovan Award in Case Excellence

Associations and Bodies

MUS LogoUndergraduate Case Competitions

The Management Undergraduate Society (MUS) is a McGill business society committed to supporting the 2400+ undergraduate students within the Desautels Faculty of Management. Join the following case competitions that fall under the MUS umbrella.

Desautels Management Competition Committee (DMCC)

  • Case League
  • Jeux du Commerce
  • Financial Open
  • Happening Marketing
  • Desautels Management Leadership Seminar
  • Desautels Preparatory Case Competition



McGill Case Competition Association

The McGill Case Competition Association (MCCA) strives to provide students from diverse backgrounds and schools with the opportunity to participate in esteemed case competitions. Our aim is to foster a spirit of competition and encourage our students to showcase their skills in notable external case competitions hosted by firms and other institutions.

mcca [at] (E-mail) MCCA on LinkedIn​​​​​

Competitions at McGill Desautels and BSRM

McGill International Portfolio Challenge (MIPC)McGill International Portfolio Challenge

The McGill International Portfolio Challenge (MIPC) is the pioneer of case competitions that target pensions, innovative portfolio design, and institutional asset management.

The fifth edition of the McGill International Portfolio Challenge (MIPC), under the guidance of Professor Sebastien Betermier, focuses on how long-term asset managers can find ways to sustainably generate returns while minimizing risks in the current environment of ultra-low bond yields. We will focus on the ongoing pension reform in the Netherlands and study the portfolio design of a (fictional) newly launched collective defined contribution plan (CDC) that provides new possibilities for workers and pensioners to share risks.


McGill-FIAM Hackathon 400x400McGill-FIAM Asset management Hackathon

McGill-FIAM Asset Management Hackathon, is a cutting-edge event that brings together the brightest minds in finance, technology, and innovation from all around the world. Dive into the realm of Big Data and AI as we tackle finance challenges with creativity and technical expertise.

The Innovation Challenge: AI in Bottom-Up Portfolio Construction. An exciting and innovative challenge centred around bottom-up portfolio construction using US publicly traded equities, Big Fundamental Data, alternative data, and cutting-edge Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques.

Evaluation Criteria: Teams will be assessed based on their innovative ideas, creativity of leveraging big data, technical proficiency and preliminary back-test results.


McGill FACMcGill FAC Hackathon

Contribute to solving the ongoing food crisis with data analytics with the food-focused data Hackathon put on by the McGill Food Analytics Club, a student-driven data analytics club. Inspired and supported by Desautels Professor Juan Camilo Serpa, we want to contribute to solving this food crisis with data analytics. This includes research, coding, outreach, and more!


Bensadoun School of Retail Management(R)Tech Global Retail Challenge

Reimagine the future of retail through the circular economy. RILA and the Bensadoun School of Retail Management at McGill University are excited to tackle the pressing issues surrounding retail and the Grand Challenges facing our societies through an innovative retail case competition.


LCBEE LogoMcGill Desautels Business Ethics Case Competition

The Laidley Centre for Ethics and Equity is pleased to announce its 2025 Business Ethics Case Competition. The competition will be held at McGill University on March 21, 2025. On March 20, the participating teams will be welcomed with a roundtable panel and a networking reception in the evening. 

The main objectives of the competition are:

  • To increase students’ awareness of the importance of ethical decisions in business.
  • To expose students to real-world scenarios that they may encounter in their future careers.
  • Provide students with the opportunity to enhance their critical thinking and presentation skills related to business ethics.

If you are a student and need wellness support, please contact safe. It is available 24/7/365 in over 60 languages. It gives you free, immediate and ongoing access to licensed counsellors through telephone, mobile chat, and videoconferencing—even for those currently outside of Quebec.

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