Dr. William James Harvey

Associate Professor
Dr. William James Harvey
Research areas: 
Adapted Physical Activity
Contact Information

475 Pine Avenue West
Montreal, Quebec H2W 1S4

Email address: 
william.harvey [at] mcgill.ca
CHAMPS physical activity lab
Areas of expertise: 

Pedagogy, adapted physical activity, self-regulation, physical activity and persons with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), play and movement skill proficiency, perceptions and professional skill development of physical education teachers


B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. (McG.)

Selected publications: 

Quilico, E., Harvey, W.J., Caron, J.G., & Bloom, G.A. (2021). Interpretative phenomenological analysis of community exercise experiences after severe traumatic brain injury. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13 (5), 800-815.

Harvey, W.J., Michaud, M., & Wilkinson, S. (2020). Mixed methods research in adapted physical education. In J.A. Haegele, S.R. Hodge, and D.R. Shapiro (Eds.), Handbook in Adapted Physical Education. (pp. 183-196). New York: Routledge.

Wilkinson, S., Kmiecik, K., & Harvey, W. (2020). Community connections: Leisure education through afterschool programming. Leisure/Loisir, 44, 421-439.

Wilkinson, S., Harvey, W.J., & Tabbane, K. (2019). Leisure education and active participation for persons with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: Leisure/Loisir, 43, 315-337.

Connolly, M., & Harvey, W.J. (2018). Critical pedagogy and APA: A resonant (and timely) inter-disciplinary blend. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 35, 293-307.

Gray, S., MacIsaac, S., & Harvey, W.J. (2018). A comparative study of Canadian and Scottish students’ perspectives on health, the body and the physical education curriculum: the challenge of ‘doing’ critical. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 9 (1), 22-42.

Fairhurst, K.E., Bloom, G.A., & Harvey, W.J. (2017). The learning and mentoring experiences of Paralympic coaches. Disability and Health Journal, 10 (2), 240-246.

Harvey, W.J., Varriano, M., & Wilkinson, S. (2016). Critically seeking the fountain of mental health in physical education. In D.B. Robinson and L. Randall (Eds.), Critical Pedagogy within Physical Education: Problematizing Sociocultural, Political and Institutional Practices and Assumptions. (pp. 122-137). Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Zimmer, C., Staples, K., & Harvey, W.J. (2016). Fundamental movement skills in children with and without movement difficulties. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 4, 324-342.

Caron, J.G., Bloom, G.A., Balish, S.M., & Harvey, W.J. (2016). Insights from adolescent athletes concerning the acquisition and dissemination of concussion information. Journal of Sport Pedagogy and Research, 2(3), 4-13.

Dikareva, A., Harvey, W.J., Cicchillitti, M., Bartlett, S.J., & Andersen, R.E. (2016). Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Physical Activity among Female Bariatric Patients. American Journal of Health Promotion. 30(7), 536-544.

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