Dr. Armando Bertone

Dr. Armando Bertone

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): William Dawson Scholar | Director, Perceptual Neuroscience Lab for Autism and Development  | FRQ-S Research Scholar Award J1 (2011-15) & J2 (2016-20)
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Jacob A. Burack

Dr. Jacob A. Burack

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): Director, McGill Youth Study Team (MYST) | Co-Director, Institute for Human Development and Well-Being (IHDW)
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Karen Cohen-Gazith

Dr. Karen Cohen-Gazith

Title: Faculty Lecturer
Academic title(s): Faculty Lecturer, Program Director, Certificate in Inclusive Education | Adjunct Professor, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, ECP liaison to OFNIE
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Maria Cutumisu

Dr. Maria Cutumisu

Title: Associate Professor (Professeure Agrégée); Affiliate Member - Mila Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Martin Drapeau

Dr. Martin Drapeau

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): Professor, McGill Department of Psychiatry | Co-Director, Science and Practice in Psychology (SAPP) Research Lab | Lead Researcher, Best Practices in Psychology Portal
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Adam Dubé

Dr. Adam Dubé

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Director, Technology, Learning, & Cognition (TLC) Lab
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Tara Flanagan

Dr. Tara Flanagan

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Director, Social Policy, Advocacy, Research, Community (SPARC) Lab | Associate Member, Institute for Human Development and Well-Being (IHDW)
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Tasmia Hai

Dr. Tasmia Hai

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Nancy Lee Heath

Dr. Nancy Lee Heath

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): Distinguished James McGill Professor | Director, Development and Intrapersonal Resilience Research (DAIR) Team | Co-Founder/Co-Director, Self-Injury Outreach and Support (SiOS) | Director of Education for Mental Health Resilience (EMHR)
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Michael L. Hoover

Dr. Michael L. Hoover

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Bassam Khoury

Dr. Bassam Khoury

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Director, McGill Mindfulness Research Lab | William Dawson Scholar
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Chiaki Konishi

Dr. Chiaki Konishi

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Program Director, M.Ed. Concentrations in Educational Psychology | Director, Social-Emotional Development Research Group (SED-RG)
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Annett Körner

Dr. Annett Körner

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Co-Director, Science and Practice in Psychology (SAPP) Lab  
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Susanne P. Lajoie

Dr. Susanne P. Lajoie

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): Ordre de l'excellence en éducation Distinguished James McGill Professor Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Rachel Langevin

Dr. Rachel Langevin

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Nikki Lobczowski

Dr. Nikki Lobczowski

Title: Assistant Professor
Academic title(s): Director, McGill CREATE (Collaborative Regulation of Emotions and Adaptive Technologies for Education) Research Lab
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Gigi Luk

Dr. Gigi Luk

Title: Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Tina Montreuil

Dr. Tina Montreuil

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): FRSQ Chercheur Boursier-Junior 1 | Associate Program Director Counselling Psychology | Associate Program Director, School/Applied Psychology | Director, Childhood Anxiety and Regulation of Emotions Laboratory C.A.R.E. Research Group
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Krista R. Muis

Dr. Krista R. Muis

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): James McGill Professor | Program Director, Health Professions Education | Program Director, Learning Sciences
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Judith Norton

Dr. Judith Norton

Title: Assistant Professor
Academic title(s): Psychoeducational and Counselling Interim Clinic Director
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Marie-Hélène Pennestri

Dr. Marie-Hélène Pennestri

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies | Canada Research Chair Tier 2 | Director of Clinical Training for the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Eve-Marie Quintin

Dr. Eve-Marie Quintin

Title: Assistant Professor
Academic title(s): Program Director, Counselling Psychology | Program Director, School/Applied Psychology | Director, Behaviour Autism and Neurodevelopment (BAND) Research Group | William Dawson Scholar
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Kristy A. Robinson

Dr. Kristy A. Robinson

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Jessica Ruglis

Dr. Jessica Ruglis

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Steven R. Shaw

Dr. Steven R. Shaw

Title: Associate Professor | Interim Department Chair
Academic title(s): Director, Resilience, Pediatric Psychology, & Neurogenetic Connections Lab
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Ada L. Sinacore

Dr. Ada L. Sinacore

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Program Director, Diploma in Human Relationships, Diversity & Sexuality | Director, Social Justice and Diversity Research Lab
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Ms. Michelle Smith

Ms. Michelle Smith

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Victoria Talwar

Dr. Victoria Talwar

Title: Professor
Academic title(s): Director, Daniel and Monica Gold Centre for Early Childhood Development | Canada Research Chair Tier I 
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Caroline Temcheff

Dr. Caroline Temcheff

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Director, Healthy Development Lab
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Dennis C. Wendt

Dr. Dennis C. Wendt

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Director, Cultural and Indigenous Research in Counselling Psychology (CIRC) President, Association of McGill Professors of Education (AMPE) Chercheur boursier, Junior 1, Fonds de recherche du Québec: Santé (FRQS)
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Shanna Williams

Dr. Shanna Williams

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
Dr. Laura Winer

Dr. Laura Winer

Title: Associate Professor
Academic title(s): Director, Teaching and Learning Services
Department: Educational and Counselling Psychology (ECP)
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