
Jordan Abel Reads from NISHGA

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 17:00to18:30
Photo of writer Jordan Abel

On January 25 at 5pm EST (Zoom), Jordan Abel will be reading from his latest book, NISHGA. Please be aware that the book may be triggering. The reading will be followed by a Q & A. The event is open to both graduate students and faculty members in McGill's Department of English.

Jordan Abel is a queer Nisga’a writer from Vancouver. He is the author of The Place of Scraps (winner of the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize), Un/inhabited, and Injun (winner of the Griffin Poetry Prize). Abel’s latest project NISHGA (finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction) is a deeply personal and autobiographical book that attempts to address the complications of contemporary Indigenous existence and the often invisible intergenerational impact of residential schools. Abel recently completed a PhD at Simon Fraser University, and is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta where he teaches Indigenous Literatures and Creative Writing.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/81414648324?pwd=YXhXNUZjR0xERVJPWThseDB4Y09sZz09

Meeting ID: 814 1464 8324
Passcode: 573430
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