
Spector Lecture 2022 - Jeff Dolven

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 16:30to18:30
Photo of Dr. Jeff Dolven, Princeton University. Click on link for high res image.
Poster announcing the lecture "Taking Turns: Some Thoughts on Poetry and Conversation" by Spector Lecturer Dr. Jeff Dolven.

The Department of English is happy to welcome the 2022 Spector Lecturer Dr. Jeff Dolven, English Professor at Princeton University.

The Spector Lecture “Taking Turns: Some Thoughts on Poetry and Conversation” will take place on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022 at 4:30pm-6:30pm, via Zoom.

Register via think linkhttps://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2022-spector-lecture-jeff-dolven-registratio....



Dr. Jeff Dolven is the author of three books of criticism, Scenes of Instruction, Senses of Style, and the admittedly hasty Take Care, as well as essays on a variety of subjects, from Renaissance metrics to player pianos. His poems have appeared in magazines and journals in the US and the UK and in a volume, Speculative Music. He is also an editor-at-large at Cabinet magazine and was the founding director of Princeton’s Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities (IHUM). 

In case of any questions or concerns about the event details or registration process please contact Ariel Pickett: ariel.pickett [at] mail.mcgill.ca

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