
Professor Robert Lecker has been awarded the prestigious Lorne Pierce Medal

Professor Robert Lecker
Published: 14 September 2022

Congratulations to Professor Lecker!

Professor Robert Lecker has been awarded the prestigious Lorne Pierce Medal, a biennial prize recognizing achievement in critical or imaginative literature from the Royal Society of Canada.

The citation reads as follows:

"A pioneer in Canadian literary studies, Robert Lecker is a leading international authority on the history and development of Canadian literature. Lecker’s academic pursuits—as scholar, editor, anthologist, and teacher—complemented by his wider public activities as publisher and memoirist, have transformed our understanding of Canadian cultural identity. “Receiving this award in honour of Canadian literary champion Lorne Pierce reinforces the connection I have long felt with writers, editors, and publishers across Canada,” said Lecker. “I am very grateful to the Department of English at McGill University, and to my colleagues, for consistently supporting my teaching and research in this field.”"

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