McGill General Surgery Residency Committee (MGSRC) 2023-2024

President: Neyla Boukhili & Tiffany Paradis

The President is responsible for overseeing the proper functioning of the MGSRC as a whole. They are the voice of the resident body by acting as a liaison between the Program Director as well as administration. The President also attends the Resident Program Committee (RPC) meetings to provide the resident’s perspective in discussions.

VP Wellness & Social: Anna Wang

The VP Wellness collaborates with both the resident body, program leadership, and RPC to advocate for an environment that supports resident wellness and effective learning. Furthermore, they head the peer mentorship program, which pairs junior and senior residents together to foster an inclusive environment and provide support to junior residents when it comes to navigating the program and managing list as a surgical resident. Finally, they collaborate with the VP Social to organize wellness and social activities throughout the year to help residents feel supported and encourage a sense of work-life balance.

VP Academic: Alia Alhareb

The VP Academics organizes summer academic half days and the annual General Surgery Research Night. They also represent the resident group in the RPC in academics-related issues.

VP Finance: Natasha Caminsky

The Vice President Finance is responsible to outline annual budgets, allocate funds, ensure committee members are well supported and to manage the MGSRC accounts to maintain long term financial sustainability.

VP Parachuters: Olivia Ganescu

Each period, the Vice President Parachuter is responsible for coordinating the schedule for research residents who are picking up extra call shifts between all of the McGIll University affiliated hospitals. They are also responsible for helping the site chiefs with schedule-making

VP External: Andrew Meng

Responsibilities of the VP External include connecting the General Surgery residents with resources and opportunities outside of the MGSRC, whether it be conferences or sporting/social events with other departments. This requires close collaboration with the VP Social, VP Wellness, and VP Finance. This VP also communicates important events and opportunities with medical student societies across Canada in order to engage with students nation-wide. A new effort to engage McGill General Surgery alumni in events and activities has also recently been added to the responsibilities of this position.

CAGS Rep: Josie Cipolla

As a Canadian Association of General Surgeons (CAGS) Residents' Committee member, our CAGS rep represents the residents of McGill’s General Surgery Program at the national level. The goal of the CAGS Residents' Committee is to represent resident issues for CAGS (such as training, research and examinations) and to facilitate resident involvement in CAGS activities and committees. The Committee hosts a Resident symposium at the annual CAGS meeting, where speakers are invited to discuss topics relevant to Canadian General Surgery Residents. This year, Josie is one of two Resident Handbook co-directors, with aims to improve access to pertinent information and helpful resources designed for the busy Canadian surgical resident. The handbook can be accessed here :


Secretary: Dylan Grisell



  • Mohammad Abbas

  • Hamad Alsuwaidi

  • Talal Hijji


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