Publications récentes

Une liste à jour des publications du Dr Snell est disponible ici.

Atkinson A. Abbott C, Oswald A, Boucher A, Cavalcanti R, Frank J, Snell L. Strategies to Enable Transformation in Medical Education: Faculty and Resident Development in Competence by Design. Perspectives in Med Ed. 2023. In press.

Frank Jr, Karpinski J, Sherbino J, Snell L, et al. Competence By Design: Creation of a Transformational National System of Time-Variable Competency-based Postgraduate Medical Education. Perspectives in Med Ed. 2023 In press.

Oswald A, Dubois D, Anderson R, Karpinski J, Hall A, Frank Jr, Cheung W, Snell L. Implementing Competence Committees on a National Scale: Design and Lessons Learned. Perspectives in Med Ed. 2023 In Press.

*Laverdure M, Gomez-Garibello C, Snell L. 2023. Residents as medical coaches. J Surg. Educ. 80(8):1067-1074.

Thoma B, Abbott C, Snell L. The future of the CanMEDS physician competency framework. 2023. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 14(1):1-3.

Thoma B, Karwowska A, Samson L, Labine N, Waters H, Giuliani M, Chan T, Atkinson A, Constantin E, Hall A, Gomez-Garibello C, Fowler N, Tourian L, Frank J, Anderson R, Snell L, Van Melle E. 2023. Emerging concepts in the CanMEDS physician competency framework. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 14(1):4-12.

Thoma B, Cupido N, Fowler N, Sonnenberg L, Karwowska A, Richardson D, Snell L, Mylopoulos M. 2023. Adaptive Expertise in CanMEDS 2025. Can Med Education J. 14(1):18-21.

Yilmaz Y, Chan M-K, Richardson D, Atkinson A, Bassilious E, Snell L, Chan T. 2022. Defining new roles and competencies for administrative staff and faculty in the age of Competency-Based Medical Education. Medical Teacher. 45(4):395-403.

* Leblanc A, Snell L, Sun N. 2022. Development of ‘patient ownership’ during clerkship. Can J Med Ed.

* Liao K, Peng C, Snell L, Wang X, Huang C, Saroyan A. 2021. Understanding the lived experiences of medical learners in a narrative medicine course: A phenomenological study. BMC Medical Education. 21:321

Frank J, Snell L, Oswald A, Hauer K. 2021. Further on the journey in a complex adaptive system: Elaborating CBME. Medical Teacher. 43(7):734-736.

Ten Cate O, Schultz K, Frank J, Hennus M, Ross S, Schumacher D, Snell L, Whelan A, Young J. 2021. Questioning medical competence: should the COVID-19 crisis affect our views of what it includes? Medical Teacher. 43(7):817-823.

Marwan Y, Luo L, Toobaie A, Benaroch T, Snell L. 2020. The operating room learning environment in Canada: Perceptions of surgical residents. Journal of Surgical Education. 

Masson V, Snell L, Dolmans D, Sun N-Z. 2019.  Exploring the Evolving Concept of ‘Patient Ownership’ in the Era of Duty Hour Regulations from the residents’ and faculty perspectives. Perspectives on Med Ed. 

Nordquist J, Hall J, Caverzagie K, Philibert I, Chan M-K, Thoma B, Razack S, Snell L. 2019. The Clinical Learning Environment. (editorial) Medical Teacher. 1-7.

Chan MK, Snell L, Philibert I. 2019. The Education Avenue of the Clinical Learning Environment: A Pragmatic Approach. Medical Teacher. 1-9.

Varpio L, Frank J, Sherbino J, Snell L, Young M. 2018. Research environments: Can the Cloud supplement bricks and mortar? Medical Education. 52(9):891-893.

Taylor D, Park YS, Egan R, Chan M-K, Karpinski J, Touchie C, Snell L, Tekian A. 2017. EQual, a Novel Rubric to Evaluate Entrustable Professional Activities for Quality and Structure. Academic Medicine (RIME supplement). 92(11):S110-117.

Puschel K, Repetto P, Bernales M, Perez I, Barros J, Snell L. 2017. “In our own words”: Defining medical professionalism from a Latin American perspective. Education for Health. 30(1):11-8.

Sternszus R, Steinert Y, Andonian S, Bhanji F, Snell L. 2017. Evaluating a Novel Resident Role Modeling Program. The Clinical Teacher. 15(3):252-257.

Frank J, Snell L, Englander R, Holmboe E. 2017. Implementing competency-based medical education: Moving forward. Medical Teacher. 39(6):568-573. Also translated into Chinese and published in the first Chinese language Medical Teacher issue in December 2017.

Holmboe E, Sherbino J, Englander R, Snell L, Frank J. 2017. A call to action: The controversy of and rationale for competency-based medical education. Medical Teacher. 39(6);574-581.

Englander R, Frank J, Caraccio C, Sherbino J, Ross S, Snell L. 2017. Toward a shared language for competency-based medical education. Medical Teacher. 39(6):582-587.

Saiki T, Snell L, Bhanji F. 2017. Twelve Tips for promoting learning during presentations in cross cultural settings. Medical Teacher.

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