Veysel Şimşek

Veysel Şimşek teaches modern Turkish and Ottoman Turkish at McGill University. Previously, he taught these languages in Turkey and Canada to various groups of students from Turkish and other backgrounds. He also has considerable experience with translating and publishing documents, manuscripts, and printed material in Ottoman Turkish. Prior to his current appointment at the Institute of Islamic Studies, he held a Chauncey Postdoctoral Fellowship with International Security Studies of Yale University (2016-18), and served as a postdoctoral research fellow and interim codirector of the Indian Ocean World Centre (IOWC) of McGill University (2015-16). His research interests include political, social, and intellectual history of the late Ottoman Empire and the early Turkish Republic (c. 1750–1950), and he has taught various courses on Ottoman, Middle Eastern and World History at Yale, McMaster, and Bilkent.

2015 PhD, History, McMaster University, Canada

2005 MA, History, Bilkent University, Turkey

2002 BSc, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Ongoing Digital Humanities Projects

Visualizing the pilgrimage routes and travel times in the Indian Ocean World, c. 1500–1900

Visualizing the road/messenger networks in the Balkans and the Middle East, c. 1830

Creating animated battlemaps featuring the Ottomans’ “Long Great War” in the Balkans and the Middle East, 1912–1922

Refereed Publications

Books/Edited Volumes

(with Frank Castiglioni and Ethan Menchinger) eds., Ottoman War and Peace: Studies in Honor of Virginia H. Aksan. Leiden: Brill, 2019: xxvi+448

(with Virginia H. Aksan) eds., “Living Empire: Ottoman Identities in Transition, 1700–1850.” Special issue, The Journal of Ottoman Studies, no. 44 (2014): 9–501

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“Under Fire and Lice: Experiences of an Ottoman Soldier in World War I and the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1922)” in Ottoman War and Peace: Ottoman War and Peace: Studies in Honor of Virginia H. Aksan, eds. Frank Castiglioni, Ethan Menchinger and Veysel Simsek (Leiden: Brill, 2019): 143–156

“‘Backstabbing Arabs’ and ‘Shirking Kurds’: History, Nationalism, and Turkish Memory of World War I.” In The Great War: From Memory to History, eds. Jonathan Vance et al. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2015: 99–126

“The First ‘Little Mehmeds’: Conscripts for the Ottoman Army, 1826–53.” The Journal of Ottoman Studies, no. 44 (2014): 265–311

Other Publications

“Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Düzenli Ordu için Asker Toplanması: 1826–1853” [Recruitment for the Regular Army in the Ottoman Empire: 1826–1853]. Toplumsal Tarih [Social History, Istanbul], no. 198 (2010): 36–42

Transcription of selected early nineteenth–century Ottoman constitutional texts. In 1815–1847, vol. 2 of Quellen zur Europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert [Handbook of European Constitutional History in the Nineteenth Century]. Bonn: J. H. W Dietz Nachfolger, 2010. CD–ROM

Holbrook, Victoria, “Hüsn–ü Aşk’a Önsöz.” Trans. Veysel Simsek and Emrah Pelvanoğlu. Yasakmeyve, no. 12 (2005): 52–59


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