Longitudinal Data from South America

Peruvian Life Standards Survey

Main topics - individual level: household composition, housing, health, economic activities, migration, agro-pastoral activities, income, non-farm self-employment, expenditures and inventory of durable goods, expenditures, fertility, savings and credit, antropometrics
Main topics - community level: demographic information, economy and infrastructure, education, health, agriculture

Number of waves: 4 (1985, 1990 - Lima only, 1991 and 1991)

Ages: 15 and up

Participating institutions:
- World Bank

Availability: all are publicly available and can be downloaded

Mexican Family Life Survey

Main topics - individual level: household composition, housing, family planning and health, schooling, consumption, income, assets, crime and victimization, education, marital history, migration, employment, time allocation, morbidity, credit, transfers, vaccination, pregnancy.
Main topics - community level: social aspects, natural disasters, infrastructure, social attendance, schools, education, health facilities, health providers, transportation, energy, water source and sanitation, credit opportunities, industry, enterprises and factories, community welfare, migrants

Number of waves: 2
(2002 and 2005); 2 more waves are scheduled for 2009 and 2012

Ages: 15 and up

Participating institutions:
- Universidad Iberoamericana
- Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
- Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
- University of California-Los Angeles
- Duke University
- University of South Carolina
- Northwestern University

Availability: both are publicly available and can be downloaded

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