About Us


Biophysics is an emerging interdisciplinary field, encompassing a wide range of fields to understand biology at a more fundamental level. This can include computational approaches, mathematical modelling, advanced microscopy techniques, in addition to traditional biology methods. The Molecular and Biophysics Centre is aimed at bringing together researchers from diverse areas of expertise to form a strong community and foster collaborations. The Center is supported by the Faculty of Science.


Our goals

· Host events and talks for researchers to get feedback on their latest research and stimulate discussions

· Create a biophysics community within Montreal, leading to collaborations amongst researchers.

· Bring leaders in biophysics, outside of Montreal, to present their research and give students/postdocs an opportunity to discuss ideas with them.


Our mission

· Create a centre aimed at bringing together researchers working in biophysics within Montreal, giving them an opportunity to discuss their exciting research and create long-lasting scientific partnerships.

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