Funding Opportunities

McGill North Engagement Grants

McGill North Engagement Grants are back! In collaboration with INQ, McGill North is proud to annouce another call for applications. The purpose of the McGill North Engagement Grants is to promote the development of current or new projects in northern regions, as well as to enhance northern research at McGill by funding northern travel and networking activities, at either a pre-proposal stage or a post-research follow-up stage. The application deadline is March 1, 2020.

McGill North Engagement Grants information

McGill North Engagement Grants application form



The Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) established its scholarship program, the Canadian Northern Studies Trust (CNST) in 1982 to advance knowledge and understanding of Canada’s North. The purpose of the CNST is to develop a cadre of scholars and scientists with northern experience and, at the same time, to enhance the educational opportunities available for northern residents. The application deadline is January 31, 2020.


Second Call for Projects INQ-Sentinel Nord

The Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) and the Sentinel North (SN) research strategy of Université Laval have joined forces to launch a second call for research projects from INQ members to enrich Quebec with knowledge about the North and the Arctic. The issues related to the North are complex, and require the involvement of several sectors and disciplines. INQ and NS therefore rely on an innovative approach based on intersectoral and interdisciplinary research that includes: social sciences, health sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. To foster synergy and collaboration, this joint call for projects encourages the development of inter-institutional projects. The deadline to submit projects is February 27, 2020.


Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)

The Northern Scientific Training Program offers funds to senior undergraduate students and graduate students to conduct fieldwork north of the discontinuous permafrost line in Canada. The funds can also go toward field research in other countries spanning the Arctic. These grants are meant to supplement other funds for northern research. Call for applications is generally due internally at the begining of November. For more information, check again here next fall. Please keep in mind that:

  • NSTP does not support consultations/community visits; applications must be for research.
  • NSTP will only support research tied to an individual's thesis (not a field assistant). Please explicitly state the link to your thesis ("The data collected will be used towards my Honours thesis/a chapter of my MSc thesis, etc.").
  • NSTP is supplementary and make sure to complete the section on other sources of funding.
  • If you have any questions, please contact kyle.elliott [at]
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