2025 Admissions

Undergraduate Medical Admissions Office: Guiding Principles

                                                         McGill Montreal Campus fall trees

At the McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, we are proud to welcome candidates from all backgrounds to submit applications through an open, inclusive and bilingual system. All candidates who apply to our programs are assessed based on a standardized, rigorous selection process supported by current best practices and psychometrically valid tools. The following guiding principles, developed in consultation with the Advisory Committee on Best Practices and the Admissions Committee frame our process every step of the way:

Seeking Excellence

Excellence is understood as a complex concept, demonstrated as a balanced interplay between scientific and academic ability, intellectual curiosity, humanism, rigour and community engagement. 


Our processes and programs are welcoming to people from varied backgrounds and life trajectories, understanding that diversity – defined broadly – positively enriches learning and work environments and contributes to better service to patients and communities.


Our selection criteria correspond to the educational and program objectives of the medical curriculum, and meaningfully reflect the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences academic mission and obligations of social accountability.


All applicants to our programs are treated in a just and respectful manner.


Our guiding principles, selection criteria, and processes, are clearly articulated and readily available to applicants, medical students, faculty members, and members of the communities we serve.

Read the message to applicantsLearn more about the selection process.

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