2024 Admissions

CEQ Contract: for Canadians from other provinces or territories and foreign nationals holding a study permit

The Minister of Health and Social Services of Quebec requires Canadians from other provinces or territories and foreign nationals holding a study permit who wish to register for medical school in Quebec  to sign a contract in order to register in a medical training program in Quebec. If you are granted an offer of admission, your registration will be conditional upon your agreeing to the terms of the attached contract, which stipulates that if you choose to stay in Quebec to practice there is a return-of-service clause or a fine.

In accordance with the Minister's directive, we are providing the following documents: 

Contract in French:

En français :

Information in English:

You will have to provide the admissions office with two (2) original, signed copies of the CEQ contract (in French) at the time of accepting the offer of admission, and before July 31, 2024.  Please note that in order for the CEQ contract to be valid, you must list an address in Quebec. The signed, original contracts can be sent by mail, or dropped off in person, at the address below.  They will then be signed by a representative of the Faculty and sent to the Ministry by the Admissions office to obtain the ministerial signature.


Undergraduate Medical Admissions Office 
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University
1010 Sherbrooke St. West, suite 1230
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2R7


If you have questions regarding the contract or its terms, the Minister refers you to the following phone number: 418 266-6985.

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