Modernization of Atmospheric Physics in Canadian NWP

Monday, November 25, 2019 13:30to16:30

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

Understanding Aerosol impacts on Deep Convective Clouds

Monday, November 18, 2019 15:30to17:00

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Interactions during LAFE

Monday, November 11, 2019 15:30to17:00

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

Periodicity disruption of a model quasi-biennial oscillation

Monday, November 4, 2019 15:30to17:00

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

What Role Do Mountains Play in Shaping Mean and Extreme Hydroclimate? Lessons from a Tropical Cyclone-Permitting AOGCM

Monday, October 28, 2019 15:30to17:00

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

Rescuing McGill’s Weather: the DRAW (Data Rescue: Archives and Weather) project and Reconstruction of Hazardous Events

Monday, October 7, 2019 15:30to17:00

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

Why does climate sensitivity go up as ocean heat uptake declines? A linear systems perspective

Monday, September 23, 2019 15:30to17:00

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

What's the Deal with Aerosols?

Monday, September 30, 2019 15:30to17:30

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series presents/meteoCategory: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Departmental Seminar Series

2019 a Safety Ambassador award- AOS Weather Forecasting Team

Published: 13 September 2019

Congratulations to the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Weather Forecasting Team (Prof. John Gyakum, Dr. Eyad Atallah, Christopher McCray (PhD student), Kai Melamed-Turkish (MSc student), Yeechian...


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