2004 MIE Conference

Researching New Frontiers

I am delighted to welcome you to the Fourth Biennial McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers at McGill University, Montreal. This conference is the indeed the seventh conference in the McGill International Entrepreneurship (MIE) Series. Although this conference is held at McGill on biennial basis, interim conferences, held elsewhere, have contributed tremendously to the series. Interim annual conferences were held at the Nanyang University of Singapore in conjunction with ENDEC Conferences in 1999, at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK in 2001 and at the University of Ulster in 2003. The 2001 conference at the University of Strathclyde attracted close to 100 scholars and practitioners and the 2003 conference at the University of Ulster did even better: it attracted close to 120 participants and a large cohort of Doctoral Students. The 2005 (the eighth) annual conference will be held at the University of Trollhätan/Uddevala in Sweden. You can perhaps agree with me that we started the series; but we have become part of a large network of scholars outside McGill and significant movement for scholarly inquiry at the cross-section of International Businesses and Entrepreneurship, which is coming to be known as the emerging field of International Entrepreneurship (IE).

Collection of Extended Abstracts

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