Sample submission

  • Service workflow :
  1. The customer send service request to Lan.Liu [at], including objective, type of MS analysis, number of samples, preferred MS instruments, esdablished LC-MS or GCMS method if have, etc.
  2. The MMSP staff arranges a meeting with the customer to discuss details of the project.
  3. The MMSP staff provides an estimated quotation to the customer and get it approved by the customer's supervisor. The service rate is listed here.
  4. The customer sends samples to corresponding MMSP staff.
  5. The MMSP staff runs samples on corresponding instrument, processes data, and sends the report to the customer.
  6. When the project is completed, the MMSP staff will send the invoice to and charge the customer at actual cost for instrument usage and staff time.


  • LC Sample submission:

       Samples should be submitted in solids in Eppendorf tubes or in electrospray compatible solvent (HPLC     

       grade, and/or Milli-Q water) in HPLC glass vials, free of detergent, involatile salts/buffers/acids, etc.


  • GC/MS Sample submission:

      The customer should indicate the solvent used to dissolve the sample, and specify the GC conditions to use:

      inlet temperature, oven temperature programme, carrier gas, type of column, etc.


Contact us if you have question about the MS service and need special sample handling.

PLEASE NOTE: The MMSP cannot accept (bio)hazardous or radioactive materials.


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