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Articles, books, chapters & cultural productions


Barabas, C. D. (2024). Editorial: Multiliteracies as pedagogy: Connecting, advocating, resisting. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 20(1).

Barabas, C. D. (2024) Using queer themed ad for visual sexuality literacy engagement. New Ways in Teaching Visual Literacy. TESOL Press.

Barabas, C. D. (2024) Rethinking literacy practices in international schools: Insights from a student’s case. Bilingual Basics TESOL Newsletter.

Barabas, C. D. (2024) A post-process writing exercise anchored on service-learning activities. SLW TESOL Newsletter.

Gage, Nathan, Reyes, Francisco, Low, B. (Forthcoming). “Listen to the tastemakers: Building an urban arts high-school music curriculum”. Research Studies in Music Education.

Lipset, M., & Simmons, T. (Forthcoming). The school systems remix: Building democratic school systems through hip hop. In Nathan, L.F., Mendoza, J., & Rojas, G. (Eds.) Designing schools and democratic learning environments: A global perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Lipset, M. & Ellis, D. (2024). Revolutionary youth culture: A brief history of hip hop for educators. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Hip Hop Pedagogy. Bloomsbury Press. Forthcoming.

Ortega, Y. (Forthcoming). Pluriversal applied linguistics: Implications for language teaching and research from the global south. De Gruyter Mouton.


Barabas, C. D. (2023). Editorial Introduction: The intersection of identities, texts, and activism. Journal of Language and Literacy Education. 19(2).

Barabas, C. D. (2023) Museum-based pedagogy in an adult language immersion course. TESOL Journal.

Barabas, C. D. (2023) Some conference networking tips from CSSE-SCEE experience. [CSEE Blog]

Barabas, C. D. (2023) Polat, N., Mahalingappa, L., & Kayi-Aydar, H. (2021). The preparation of teachers of English as an additional language around the world: Research, policy, curriculum and practice. TESOL in Context, 31(1), 119–123.

Barabas, C. D. (2023) Some techniques in using subtitled video clips for intentional vocabulary learning in an EFL class. Read-Voc TESOL Newsletter.

Low, B., Lipset, M., Carter, M.R. (2023). Hope Stories of the Arts and School-Wide Change. In: Mreiwed, H., Carter, M.R., Hashem, S., Blake-Amarante, C.H. (eds) Making Connections in and Through Arts-Based Educational Research. Studies in Arts-Based Educational Research, vol 5. Springer, Singapore. 

Ortega, Y. (2023a). Charlas y Comidas: Humanising focus groups and interviews. Qualitative Research, 14687941231176947.

Ortega, Y. (2023b). Onward to Pquyquy (or thinking with the heart): Conceptualizing the decolonization of being for language teaching and research. In H. Castañeda-Peña, P. Gamboa, & C. Kramsch (Eds.), Decolonizing Applied Linguistics Research in Latin America: Moving to a Multilingual Mindset (pp. 196–212). Taylor & Francis.

Ortega, Y. (2023c). Symbolic annihilation: Processes influencing English language policy and teaching practice. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 1–23.

Ortega, Y., & Oxford, R. (2023). Immigrants’ and refugees’ ‘funds of knowledge(s)’ on the path to intercultural competence. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development0(0), 1–12.

Ortega, Y., Passi, A. L., dela Cruz, J. W. N., Nii Owoo, M. A., Cale, B., & Sarkar, M. (2023). Beginning the quilt: A polyvocal and diverse collective seeking new forms of knowledge production. International Journal of Qualitative Methods22, 16094069231186131.

Wong, W., & Ortega, Y. (2023). Addressing anti-black racism in English language teaching: Experiences from duoethnography research. TESOL Quarterlyn/a(n/a).


Barabas, C. D. (2022) Implementing peer podcasting in an EFL literature course. TESOL Journal14(2).

Barabas, C. D. & Jiang, Q. (2022) Queering a high school EFL literature course in China: Teacher’s and student’s reflections. TESOL Journal. 13(4).

Barabas, C. D. (2022) Espousing content and language integrated learning to support English as additional language learners. International Education Theory and Practice. Spring Issue. Geneva.

Gagne, A., Kalan, A., & Herath, S. (Eds.) (2022). Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang.

Gagne, A., Herath, S., & Kalan, A. (2022). Pathways to challenge the neoliberal constriction of education: An introductory multi-ethnography. In A. Gagne, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.),  Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang.

Kalan, A. [Amir Kalan]. (2022). A Rhetoric of Protest [Video]. YouTube.

Kalan, A. (2022). Negotiating writing identities across languages: Translanguaging as enrichment of semiotic trajectories. TESL Canada Journal, 38(2), 63-87.

Lipset, M., & Low, B. (2022). A different energy: The critical Hip-Hop teaching artist and school culture. Urban Education, 0(0). 

Troberg, M., & Kalan, A. (2022). Large online undergraduate courses: The demise of critical pedagogy? In A. Gagne, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.),  Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences. New York: Peter Lang. 

Seidel, S., Simmons, T., & Lipset, M. (2022). Hip-hop genius 2.0: Remixing high school education, 10-year anniversary edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publications, Inc.

Ortega, Y. (2022a). Defying the abyssal line: Towards el Buenvivir in English language Teaching in Colombia. In S. Makoni, A. Kaiper-Marquez, & L. Mokwena (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South/s (pp. 323–334). Routledge.

Ortega, Y. (2022b). Late capitalism and the commodification of English in Colombia: The shaping of language education policy and practice. In N. Miranda, A.-M. de Mejía, & S. V. Giraldo (Eds.), Language Education in Multilingual Colombia: Critical Perspectives and Voices from the Field (pp. 131–148). Taylor & Francis.

Ortega, Y. (2022c). Trans[cultura]linguación: An intercultural approach to the revitalization of Indigenous languages. In A. Salmon & A. Clavijo-Olarte (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Socio-Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Literacy Development. IGI Global.


Kalan, A. (2021). COVID-19, an opportunity to deindustrialize writing education. In I. Fayed, & J. Cummings (Eds.), Teaching in the post COVID-19 era: World education dilemmas, teaching innovations and solutions in the age of crisis (pp. 511-519). Springer.

Kalan, A. (2021). Sociocultural and power-relational dimensions of multilingual writing: Recommendations for deindustrializing writing education. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. 

Kalan, A. (2021). Writing in times of crisis: A theoretical model for understanding genre formation. In E. B. Hancı-Azizoğlu, & M. Alawdat (Eds.), Rhetoric and sociolinguistics in times of global crisis (pp. 214-234). IGI Global.

Lipset, M., Brown, J., Crawford, M., Aning, K., Turner, K. (2021). The critical race quantum computer: A tool for liberation. Volume 5. Montreal AI Ethics Institute.

Lipset, M. (2021). How to pay your students to go to school: Student-run record labels and the creative pedagogue. Montréal, QC: McGill Journal of Education Special Edition55(3), 530-549.

Lipset, M., & Nathan, L. F. (2021). When school goes home: Reimagining the educator’s role. Phi Delta Kappan103(3), 39–42.

Ortega, Y. (2021). Transformative Pedagogies for English teaching: Teachers and students building social justice together. Applied Linguistics42(6), 1144–1152.


Ortega, Y. (2020). “Rebeldes en acción”: A case study in English teaching in a marginalized Colombian high school. In L. M. Berger (Ed.), Social justice and international education: Research, practice, and perspectives (pp. 111–134). NAFSA: Association of International Educators.


Kalan, A., Jafari, P., & Aghajani, M. (2019). A collaborative practitioner inquiry into societal and power-relational contexts of an activist writing community’s textual events. International Journal of Action Research, 15(1), 62-80.

Ortega, Y. (2019). “Teacher, ¿Puedo hablar en Español?” A reflection on plurilingualism and translanguaging practices in EFL. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 21(2), 155–170.


Barabas, C. D. (2018) Rhetorical moves and the functional constituent of process in higher education promotional materials. The Asian ESP Journal. 14(1). 364-390.

Barabas, C. D. (2018) Bridging the gap: Towards developing a preparatory English programme for Chinese learners joining the international education system. TESOL Int’l. Journal. 13(1). 9-22.

Lipset, M. (2018). The more you know, the more you owe: Review of Vajra Watson’s Learning to liberate. Flagstaff, AZ: Electronic Journal of Education Policy.

Low, B., Lipset, M., & Proietti, M. (2018). Learning through resistance in an urban arts high school transformation project. In P. Trifonas and S. Jagger (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Studies and Education. New York: Routledge.


Low, B. Brushwood Rose, C., and Salvio, P. (2016). Community-based media pedagogies: Relational listening in the commons. NY: Routledge.

Low, B. (2016). Le hip-hop et le slam: Pratiques novatrices pour inclure la culture des jeunes dans l’apprentissage. In Maryse Potvin et al. La diversité ethnoculturelle, religieuse et linguistique en éducation au Québec (pp. 472-482).  Québec: Fidès Education.

Simon, R., & Kalan, A. (2016). Adolescent literacy and collaborative inquiry. In K. A. Hinchman, & D. A. Appleman (Eds.),  Adolescent literacy: A handbook of practice-based research (pp. 398-420). New York: Guilford Press. 

Simon, R., Evis, S., Walkland, T., Kalan, A., & Baer, P. (2016). Navigating the “delicate relationship between empathy and critical distance”: Youth literacies, social justice, and arts-based inquiryEnglish Teaching: Practice and Critique, 15(3), 430-449. 

Kalan, A. (2016). Teaching Anglo-American academic writing and intercultural rhetoric: A grounded theory study of practice in Ontario secondary schoolsCurrent Studies in Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST) Journal, 3(1), 57-75. 

Kalan, A. (2016). Who’s afraid of multilingual education? Conversations with Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Jim Cummins, Ajit Mohanty, and Stephen Bahry about the Iranian context and beyond. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.


Low, B. (2015). Nous Sommes Ici/ We Are Here: Enriching Quebec's Cultural Memory through the Life Stories of Refugees and Immigrants. In Potvin et al (Eds.). Equity, Inclusion and Culturally Responsible Pedagogy: Training and Experience of Professional Educators in Ontario and Quebec, Canadian Diversity/Diversité Canadienne (Summer), 108-112.

Low, B. and Sontag, E. (2015). Listening in human rights education: Learning from life stories of survivors of atrocities. In Leonard Waks (Ed.), Listening to teach. NY: SUNY Press.

Low, B. and Sontag, E. (2015). Oral history and a pedagogy of listening: Teaching and learning from life stories of human rights violations. In Kristina Llewellyn et al. (Eds.), Canadian oral history reader (pp. 266-284). Montreal:  McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Low, B., and Golden, R. (2014). Slamming School. In Julie Hall (Ed.) Underprivileged School Children and the assault on dignity: Policy challenges and resistance (pp. 173-191). New York: Routledge.

Low, B. and Sarkar, M. (2014). Translanguaging in the multilingual Montreal hip-hop community: Everyday poetics as counter to the myths of the monolingual classroom. In Angela Creese & Adrian Blackledg (Eds.), Heteroglossia as practice and pedagogy (pp. 99-118). Springer

Maryse Potvin, Corina Borri-Anadon, Bronwen Low, Jeff Kuegler, Julie Larochelle-Audet, Saskia Stille. (2014). Introduction. Canadian Diversity/Diversité Canadienne (Summer), 5-11.

Brushwood-Rose, C. and Low, B. (2014). Visual narrative and the craftedness of texts: Interpretation and research in community-based media production. Visual Studies 29(1), 30-39.


Low, B. and Sarkar, M. (2013). Translanguaging in the multilingual Montreal hip-hop community: Everyday poetics as counter to the myths of the monolingual classroom. In Angela Creese & Adrian Blackledg (Eds.), Heteroglossia as practice and pedagogy (pp. 99-118). Springer.

Low, B. (2013). Slammin' School: Performance poetry and the urban school. (pp. 76-98). In Colin Lankshear & Michele Knobel (Eds.), A New Literacies Reader: Educational Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang.

Low, B. and Sonntag, E. (2013). Towards a pedagogy of listening: Teaching and learning from life stories of human rights violations. Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(6), 768-789.

Low, B. and Sonntag, E. (2013). Towards a pedagogy of listening: Teaching and learning from life stories of human rights violations. Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(6),  768-789.

Low, B., Tan, E., & Celemencki, J. (2013). "Keepin’ it Real” in the classroom: The discourse of authenticity and challenges for critical Hip-Hop pedagogies. In Marc Lamont Hill & Emery Petchauer (Eds.), Schooling Hip-Hop: New approaches to Hip-Hop based education (pp. 187-216). New York: Teachers College Press.


Low, B. (2012). What do hip-hop, spoken word, and slam poetry have in common and how might they be used in a high-school English classroom? In K. James, T. M. Dobson & C. Leggo, (Eds.) English in middle and secondary classrooms: Creative and critical advice from Canada's teacher educators. Toronto, ON: Pearson Press. 

Low, B. Brushwood Rose, C., Salvio, P., and Palacios, L. (2012). (Re)framing the scholarship on participatory video production and distribution: From celebration to critical engagement. In EJ Milne, Claudia Mitchell and Naydene de Lange (Eds.),Theorising participatory video: Critical issues and challenges (pp. 49-64). AltaMira/Rowman and Littlefield.

Low, B. and Sarkar, M.  (2012). “On va vivre on va die et tout ca: Un regard sociolinguistique sur l’état du rap plurilingue à Montreal. Kinephanos3(1), 20-47.

Sarkar, M., and Low, B. (2012). Multilingualism and popular culture. In Marilyn Martin-Jones, Adrian Blackledge, & Angela Creese (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Multilingualism (pp. 403-418). New York: Routledge.


Low, B. (2011). At the edge of writing and speech: New oralities and curriculum. Journal of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies 8(2),50-75.

Low, B. (2011). Slam school: Learning through conflict in the hip-hop and spoken word classroom. Stanford University Press.


Low, B. (2010). The tale of the talent night rap: Black popular culture in schools and the challenge of interpretation. Urban Education 45: 194-220.


Hoechsmann, M., & Low, B. (2008). Reading youth writing: “New” literacy, cultural studies, and education. NY: Peter Lang.

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