Eleven Quebec universities unite for biodiversity

Published: 8 December 2022

Eleven Quebec universities have joined forces and signed the Nature Positive Pledge, becoming founding members of an international movement that includes 117 universities worldwide.

McGill receives $4.8 million to advance climate change science and technology

Published: 23 November 2022

The Government of Canada’s Environmental Damages Fund, administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), is investing more than $4 million in three McGill-led projects through the...

Low levels of air pollution deadlier than previously thought

Published: 8 November 2022

The World Health Organization’s most recent estimates (2016) are that over 4.2 million people die prematurely each year due to long-term exposure to fine particulate outdoor air pollution (often...

Seawater: memory keeper, energy source, and pollution tracking

Published: 21 October 2022

Sampling seawater just below the surface of a seagrass bed in Quatsino Sound, British Columbia. Credit: Mike McDermid What can a bottle of seawater tell you about the fish living below?

Penguin feathers may be secret to effective anti-icing technology

Published: 24 October 2022

Ice buildup on powerlines and electric towers brought the northern US and southern Canada to a standstill during the Great Ice Storm of 1998, leaving many in the cold and dark for days and even...

Advancing climate research thanks to new satellite mission co-led by McGill University

Published: 19 October 2022

Canadian scientists will contribute to assessing and addressing climate change thanks to a new satellite mission that has received more than $200 million from the Canadian federal government. This...

The global ocean out of balance

Published: 10 November 2021

Surprising as it sounds, all life forms in the ocean, from small krill to large tuna, seem to obey a simple mathematical law that links an organism’s abundance to its body size. For example,...

The surprising Swiss-Army-knife-like functions of a powerful enzyme

Published: 30 September 2022

Blue-green algae (AKA cyanobacteria) have a superpower which likely helps them be highly successful as invaders of waterways. They have an extraordinary ability to store energy and nitrogen in...

A more sustainable production of industrial chemicals

Published: 3 October 2022

Two renewable resources – cellulose from wood pulp and chitin from the shells of crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans – are known to industrial chemists for their potential for creating highly...


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