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Biodiesel Complications

20 Mar 2017

One thing you can count on in science is that virtually every issue is more complicated than it first seems. Take biodiesel as an example. It can be made from virtually any plant oil by reacting it...

Methyl Iodide In Strawberries

20 Mar 2017

Now it’s toxic strawberries from California! “Will strawberry shortcake be known for causing cancer, birth defects and miscarriages,” asks a widely circulating article on the web. Well, no. Not...

Benzene in your car - and it's not in the gas tank!

20 Mar 2017

Everyone knows that driving car is a risky business but what about just getting into one? Especially on a hot day! And we’re not talking about burning your rear by depositing it on the plastic seat...

The Environmental Cost of Meat

20 Mar 2017

We know what we should be doing if we want to be environmentally conscious. Recycle, compost, use public transport more, insulate better, shop with reusable bags. But here is something that is...

Alfalfa and Biotechnology

20 Mar 2017

Think of alfalfa and you probably visualize a salad adorned with the sprouts of this legume served up in a California style restaurant. But that is a minuscule use of this plant. The prime use of...

Pesticides in Organic Produce

20 Mar 2017

You’ve heard of a tempest in a teapot. This is a hurricane in a thimble. I’m talking about a study carried out by Canada’s Food Inspection Agency that found pesticide residues in organic produce....

Phytophotodermatitis and the Giant Hogweed

20 Mar 2017

“Phyto” derives from the Greek word for plant, “photo” from light and “derma” from skin, so “phytophotodermatitis” is a skin reaction initiated both by exposure to light and to some plant material....

Climate Change

20 Mar 2017

As we sit here freezing and dreaming of southern climes, it is hard to conceive of global warming. But it is happening and the long term effects will not be pleasant. How do I know that the climate...

Plastics in the Kitchen

20 Mar 2017

Oh, those analytical chemists. They do cause problems don’t they? With their ability to find the presence of chemicals at parts per trillion, they can not only find the needle in the proverbial...


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