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Science Says Scotch Tastes Better Watered Down

5 Jul 2018

Everyone knows that oil floats on water. That’s because oil is nonpolar, and water is polar. These terms describe the arrangement of charges in their structure: nonpolar means a molecule has no net...

Before the Breathalyzer There Was the Drunkometer

4 Jul 2018

The idea of a mechanism to measure the alcohol a person has consumed dates back quite far.

Can You Prevent Your Next Hangover By Using Cheers (Thrive+)?

28 Jun 2018

Update: The product is now called Cheers. The company behind it is offering podcast sponsorship deals, so you may hear about it quite a bit.

Alcohol in mouthwashes doesn’t actually kill bacteria

3 May 2018

It’s common knowledge that alcohol can kill bacteria (it’s commonly used as a disinfectant), so it makes sense that the alcohol in mouthwashes is added specifically to kill the bacteria that give...

From Bottle to Blood to Breath: How Breathalyzers Work

15 Mar 2018

The term “alcohol” to a chemist  means an organic compound that contains an OH group, but as far as the public is concerned “alcohol” refers to one specific compound, namely, ethanol. It is ethanol...

The False Hopes of Legal Marijuana

30 Jan 2018

One of the mandates of our Office is to foster students’ skills in communicating science. We encourage students to submit articles and we publish the ones that we consider to be well written. These...

All Alcoholic Beverages are Watered Down

24 Jan 2018

In most of the world alcohol content is measured by volume. This gives us the familiar 12.5% on the side of a wine bottle. But what does this percentage really mean? 

Caffeine is considered a hard drug and cannabis a soft one?

29 Nov 2017

If you ask almost anyone if they know what a hard drug is, they’ll nod enthusiastically. Ask them to define a hard vs a soft drug however and the nodding might stop.


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