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Wrap Your Hair Around Biotechnology

6 Jul 2023

What comes to mind when you think of biotechnology? Maybe it’s Dolly the cloned sheep, or GMOs, or stem cell therapy, or DNA profiling, or mRNA vaccines. Rightly so. These are indeed examples of...

Did Apple just put Cardiologists Out of Work?

24 Jul 2018

Given that I’m not someone who is overly fond of new gadgets, the arrival of the new Apple Watch 3 didn’t really make that much of an impression on me. But a new feature of this latest Apple Watch...

Biotechnology in Africa

20 Mar 2017

I have never really been hungry. Sure, I’ve had occasions when I could hardly wait to wolf down a slice of pizza or a serving of veggie goulash and I’ll admit to looking forward eagerly to the end...

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