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A Tale of Two Bracelets

20 Mar 2017

This is a tale of two bracelets. One brandishes flagrant nonsense, the other flirts with some clever science. We begin with a perplexing question I was asked while wandering through a mall in...

Getting Antsy

20 Mar 2017

We are having some major issues here in the Office for Science & Society. The issue? Ants. That’s right. Those itsy bitsy teeny weeny insects that somehow make their way through every nook,...

Are Electronic Cigarettes the New Trend?

20 Mar 2017

These plastic cigs dispenses nicotine vapour without releasing any of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. The idea is to try and satisfy a smoker’s need for a nicotine fix without...

Is there lead in my lipstick?

20 Mar 2017

Had a question about lead in lipstick. You won't see lead listed on the label but doesn’t mean that there is no lead in the product. Certainly there is no lead added on purpose, but the presence of...

Plastics in the Kitchen

20 Mar 2017

Oh, those analytical chemists. They do cause problems don’t they? With their ability to find the presence of chemicals at parts per trillion, they can not only find the needle in the proverbial...

Testing of Chemicals

20 Mar 2017

You’ve seen the headlines. Of the 80,000 or so synthetic chemicals in the market place only a few thousand have been adequately tested. Activist groups constantly scream about inadequate testing...

Frying and Cooking Fumes

20 Mar 2017

One wouldn’t expect that frying a steak exposes the cook to the same chemical that is used in mothballs, but it does. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology were...

Pesticides in Organic Produce

20 Mar 2017

You’ve heard of a tempest in a teapot. This is a hurricane in a thimble. I’m talking about a study carried out by Canada’s Food Inspection Agency that found pesticide residues in organic produce....

Chemistry lesson for The Food Babe… and everyone else #21: There is no such thing as "chemical free!"

17 Mar 2017

If you buy a chemical-free product, you’re not getting a good deal. You’re buying nothing. A vacuum. What’s a vacuum? A space empty of all matter. And what is matter? Anything that has mass and...


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