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Did you know that the real name for eye sleepies is rheum, and it doesn't only come from your eyes?

1 Nov 2018

Sleepies, eye gunk, eyeboogers… Whatever you call them, the proper name for that gunk that collects in the corners of your eyes is rheum. It's exuded from your eyes while you sleep (as you know)...

Sniffing Out Disease

8 Jan 2018

The dog has been called man’s best friend, but rats certainly have never been referred to in that endearing fashion. Yet, they can save lives as well as dogs; maybe even better. How? By using their...


30 May 2017

This sounds distasteful, but is worth remembering.  Believe it or not, vomit appears to be astonishingly effective at spreading viruses.  Investigators were called in when 52 people at a hotel...

The Categorization of Pathogens

24 May 2017

Some pathogens are much more dangerous to handle than others, which has led to their classification for laboratory purposes into categories. Category 4, the most dangerous, contains those...


20 May 2017

Gout is a real pain in the toe. It strikes when crystals of uric acid build up in a joint and irritate the surrounding tissue. Where do they come from? Components in the diet! Foods which contain...

Marketing Appears to Trump Science on Antibacterials

20 Mar 2017

Store shelves these days sag under the weight of antibacterial soaps, cosmetics, socks, toys and even garbage bags. There’s no question that “antibacterial” on a label increases sales, but there...

Vitamin D and Prevention of Disease

20 Mar 2017

To take or not to take, that is the question many people have been asking themselves about vitamin D supplements. As is so often the case in science, there is no concrete answer. This in spite of...


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