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Is Ghee Healthier Than Normal Butter?

13 Sep 2018

Ghee can be found in the international section of most grocery stores, and clarified butter on the pages of many culinary magazines, but what are these fats, and how do they differ from normal...

How is the caloric value of food determined? 

6 Sep 2018

A very good question to tackle because many people do not have a good understanding of calories.  First of all, a calorie is not a thing and therefore cannot be full or empty.  You cannot put...

Battle of the Milks: Are plant-based milks appropriate for children?

16 Nov 2017

A recent CBC article reports on a new joint statement from the Dietitians of Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Society that says plant based milks are “inappropriate alternatives to cow milk in...

Why isn't calcium added to skim milk?

20 Mar 2017

As consumers we like choices. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that companies provide us with a variety of different milks to choose from. We have the option to purchase whole milk, 2% milk, 1%...

The end of the trans fat debates?

20 Mar 2017

The bloggers are abuzz about a paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine that after reviewing 72 major studies found no relationship between saturated fat intake and heart disease. The reaction was...

Let's preserve rational thinking when it comes to preservatives

20 Mar 2017

Open a box of old crackers or potato chips and a smell emerges. It isn’t pleasant. The same goes for that bottle of oil that’s been sitting in the cupboard for months. It’s the smell of rancid fat....

The Fat Conundrum

20 Mar 2017

Butter or margarine? Olive oil or canola oil? Low fat diets or high fat diets? You would think that after literally thousands of studies we would have some straight forward answers about the effect...


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