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Exam Stress and Genetics

17 Jul 2017

I don’t know about you, but I just cannot stand exams. Give me research projects, essays, even practical lab examinations, and I excel....

Why Do We Have Dimples?

15 Jun 2017

Orlando Bloom might have the nicest dimples around, but glance at his chin and you’ll notice a lack of a dent. Look at Demi Lovato’s chin though and you’ll see a cleft, almost like an indent there....

The Business of Heritage: what’s the deal with genetic sequencing?

14 Jun 2017

If you’ve ever spent any time in Ireland, you’ll know that heritage is highly marketable; from the-over-the-top Carroll’s gift shops, to the bright green tour buses transiting loads of tourists...

Blue Eyes

2 Jun 2017

Most babies are born with blue eyes because at the time of their birth melanin has not been ‘deposited’ in the iris. Melanin is a light-absorbing biopolymer synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine...

Migraines and Genetics

31 May 2017

An international research team has recently linked the common migraine with a genetic risk factor.  It seems that people suffering from migraines have a variation in their DNA, specifically on...

A Sour Lawsuit

20 Mar 2017

I don’t know who Debbie Banafsheha is, but she is abusing the legal system for personal gain through spreading twaddle. Debbie has sued Heinz for what she claims is false advertising because the...

There are No Fish Genes in Tomatoes

20 Mar 2017

During a public lecture on genetic modification I described an experiment that involved enriching soybeans with the amino acid methionine. Soybeans are widely used to raise animals but are low in...

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

20 Mar 2017

Most of us can hardly wait to finish our dinner so that we can plunge into the dessert and satisfy our craving for sweets. We threaten to withhold dessert from our children until they polish off...

Twins with the same genes can have different traits

20 Feb 2017

Even though identical (monozygotic) twins may have the exact same genetic make-up, it is possible that they can have different features from one another. This is thanks to differences in the womb ...


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