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Lead - A stain on chocolate?

20 Mar 2017

Lead is nasty. Since the body has a tough time eliminating it, exposure to very small amounts can cause poisoning over the long term. Diagnosis of lead poisoning is challenging because of the...

Is there lead in my lipstick?

20 Mar 2017

Had a question about lead in lipstick. You won't see lead listed on the label but doesn’t mean that there is no lead in the product. Certainly there is no lead added on purpose, but the presence of...

Why has California issued a health advisory about eating fried grasshoppers covered with chili - a traditional Mexican treat?

20 Mar 2017

Worry about contamination with lead! Chili powder is at the heart of Mexican cuisine and finds its way into numerous foods ranging from candies and salsa to fried grasshoppers. Unfortunately...

Lead in Our Drinking Water

20 Mar 2017

The Romans had a sweet tooth, but didn’t know about sugar. So they boiled down grape juice to make a sweet syrup called “sapa” which they added to wine, as well as to various foods. The acidic...

Pencils never contained lead.

22 Feb 2017

This may come as a shock to some people but lead pencils do not contain any lead.  Never did.


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