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Don’t Throw the Baby Out With the Hydrogenated Bathwater

23 Feb 2024

This article was first published in the Montreal Gazette. “Congratulations! You have in your hands one of the best available tools to increase your health and vitality.”

Magnesium Supplements for Sleep May Not Work Like a Dream

22 Sep 2023

Everywhere I turn these days, an influencer is trying to sell me magnesium supplements. Apparently, all of us who find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep all night are missing the boat....

A Farmer, Epsom Salt, Moses, and some Sweet Chemistry

6 Sep 2023

In 1618 a farmer in England noticed that he could lead his cows to water but could not make them drink. He tasted the well water himself and realized right away that there was some wisdom to the...

How do sparklers work?

17 Sep 2021

You stick them into a birthday cake, stand back and revel in the brilliant shower of sparks. What you are witnessing are glowing metal particles, usually aluminum, but iron titanium, zinc or...

Washing your hair? In Vancouver soap will work, but in Montreal it has to be shampoo.

2 Jul 2021

Did you know that in Vancouver you can wash your hair with soap but in Montreal you need shampoo? Why? Because Vancouver water is soft and Montreal water is hard. That makes a big difference when...

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