RUIS McGill’s Centre of Expertise in Chronic Pain

RUIS (réseau universitaire intégré de santé) McGill’s Centre of Expertise in Chronic Pain (CECP) is committed to providing a comprehensive, hierarchical continuum of health care services to patients throughout the RUIS McGill territory, who are suffering from chronic pain.

Through collaborative initiatives with its network partners, the CECP has been able to successfully implement referral mechanisms and promote greater inter-institutional communication so as to ensure effective coordination of health services between the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care. 

The wide spectrum of programs offered by the CECP is particularly focused on an interdisciplinary and cooperative approach to health services, thus allowing for the development of more extensive and personalised treatment plans.  Not only does the Centre place a strong emphasis on evidence-based practices and models for chronic pain management, but patients are encouraged to remain actively engaged throughout the process.

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