Conferences 2022

CPDecadesCPDecades (May 20th, 2022)

Celebrating 10 years: The past and future of population studies

WhereThomson House, McGill University, 3650 McTavish, Montreal, QC
Cost: Free

May 2022 will be the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Centre on Population Dynamics at McGill University.

To celebrate we are organizing a one‐day conference on the past and future of population studies.

The conference will include sessions highlighting CPD researchers and their contributions to demography and sessions looking forward to the future of population studies and demography.

TO REGISTER, please click here.
*Space is limited so please register in advance. Lunch will be provided for pre-registered individuals.

This event is co-sponsored by: School of Population and Global Health, Departments of Economics, Sociology and GeographyMax Bell School of Public PolicyInstitute for Health and Social Policy

PDF icon Conference Program


Detailed Conference Program

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