PRACTIS Projects

Projet Actions et rapprochements interordres en mathématiques (ARIM) (2016-Present)

Processus de rapprochement des pratiques d'enseignement de mathématiques pour favoriser un passage plus harmonieux pour les élèves lors de transitions scolaires
  • Principal Investigators: Dr. Claudia Corriveau, Dr. Marta Kobiela, Dr. Alain Breuleux and Dr. Izabella Oliveira 


Creating, Collaborating, and Computing in Mathematics (CCC-M) Project (2013-2017)

CCC-M Logo
The Creating, Collaborating, and Computing in Mathematics (CCC-M) is a design-based research-practice partnership project to design and implement a teacher professional learning network (PLN) for enhancing teachers’ reflective practice.
The main goal of the CCC-M project is to develop the capacity of teachers and students for integrating technology into teaching and learning and to improve student success in mathematics, with a focus on the transition from elementary to secondary school.
  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Alain Breuleux

Building Community through Telecollaboration (BCT) Network (2007-2013)

The Building Community through Telecollaboration (BCT) Network was a province-wide initiative with educators from English school boards across Québec.
The purpose of the BCTN was to encourage, facilitate, and support collaboration among students, teachers and educational leaders to enhance ICT-supported learning across the community. ICT- supported learning refers to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate learning in personal, classroom and network situations based on state-of-the-art pedagogical and learning strategies. 

PDF icon BCTN E-Booklet 2012 (Promoting ICT-supported Learning: Lessons from the BCT Network)


L’École Éloignée en Réseau (EER) (2002-2016)

PDF icon EER 2011’École éloignée en réseau, un modèle: Rapport synthèse, septembre 2011)  

PDF icon EER 2008 (L’École éloignée en réseau, l’apprentissage des élèves: Rapport synthèse 2006‐2008, Phase 3)

For more information on the EER Project:

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