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IT Services Upgrading to Banner 9

Type: Service/ Status: Scope

Banner is an Oracle™ enterprise database used by McGill University to store all student and financial data. While the database itself is called Banner, there are several user interfaces and systems that access this data:

  • Banner INB (Internet Native Banner) - is a web-based interface used by administrative staff to perform the tasks for which they are responsible. It is not used by students or instructors.
  • Minerva - a web interface used by students, faculty, and administrative staff, for both self-service and administrative tasks.
  • Data Warehouse (DWH) - a snapshot of data from Banner that is refreshed nightly.
  • ApplicationXtender - is a desktop and a web application that is used for viewing, scanning and indexing documents and it integrates with Banner.

Our Organization is in need of ..

McGill is currently operating an outdated and mostly unsupported version of its ERP, Ellucian's Banner. Unlike previous versions of the ERP software, the new version of Banner, version 9, was reengineered using an entirely new application development framework and technology. This poses a significant upgrade challenge to McGill as it has performed substantial modifications and add-ons to the ERP over nearly 25 years in its use using the legacy application.

Service Outline:

Type Professional Services 
Status Scope
Projected Start Date 2024 - 2026
Category Information Technology (IT)
Description Professional Services to support McGill with upgrade to banner 9 and future professional services fit gap
Unit / Faculty  IT Services
Contact  map.procurement [at]

Please read the following information carefully :

Sustainable Procurement

The businesses with which the University will contract with in the course of this project will have respect the McGill Supplier Code of Conduct.

Other requirements may apply, such as (for example): the quantification and limiting of GHG emissions over the contract or asset lifecycle, sustainable construction/product certifications, involvement of indigenous businesses or of social economy businesses, design for circularity, and so on.

Notice :

Information in this document is not to be interpreted as a commitment to conduct any solicitation in any particular market (or to fulfill any particular need) within any timeframe. This document is based on preliminary assessments which may be modified and needs may consequently be increased, partially fulfilled or cancelled. The needs of the client units may fluctuate according to their capabilities and priorities.

Moreover, this acquisition plan is subject to various risk factors that have an influence on the operations of McGill University, such as available revenue, inflation, changes in: provincial and federal policies, technologies, human resources, social movements and trends, demographic aspects of the student population and the academic personnel.



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