Dr. Laplante is a Research Associate at the Douglas Institute Research Centre. He collaborates with Dr. Suzanne King as a Co-Investigator on several research studies, and is the Project Manager on 5 large, federally funded, prospective longitudinal studies: Project Ice Storm, the Iowa Floods Study, and, the Queensland Flood Study, Fort McMurray Fire Study, and the Hurricane Harvey Flood Study. He is also taught courses on Developmental Psychology at Vanier College.
Dr. Laplante earned his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Windsor, 1996, where his primary area of research was in assessing the visual processing abilities in neonates. Dr. Laplante was a Medical Research Council of Canada funded Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Groupe de recherche sur l’inadaptation psychosociale chez l’enfant (GRIP), Université de Montréal between 1996 and 2001 where he was involved with the Québec Twin Study.
Dr. Laplante’s areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- assessment of basic visual and auditory processes at birth and during infancy;
- investigating the utility of basic neonatal and infant visual and auditory processes in predicting subsequent behavioral and cognitive problems;
- investigating the effect of exposure to prenatal teratogens (including prenatal maternal stress) on cognitive, linguistic, and behavioral outcomes during infancy and early childhood;
- assessing the relationship between prenatal teratogens (including prenatal maternal stress) on brain morphology; and,
- assessing the relationship between brain morphology and cognitive, linguistic, and behavioural outcomes in children.
Contact Information:
Psychosocial Research Division
Douglas Institute Research Centre
McGill University, Dept. of Psychiatry
Perry Pavilion, 3rd. Floor
6875 LaSalle Blvd.
Verdun (Montréal), QC
Telephone: 1-514-761-6131, ext. 2538
Fax: 1-514-762-3049
david.laplante [at] douglas.mcgill.ca (Email)
Refereed Articles
Duchesne, A., Liu, A., Jones, S. L., Laplante, D. P., & King, S. (2017). Childhood body mass index at 5.5 years mediates the effect of prenatal maternal stress on daughters’ age at menarche: Project Ice Storm - ERRATUM. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 8(3):382.
Duchesne, A., Liu, A., Jones, S.L., Laplante, D.P., King, S. (2017). Childhood body mass index at 5.5 years mediates the effect of prenatal maternal stress on daughters' age at menarche: Project Ice Storm. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 8(2), 168-177.
Moss, K.M., Simcock, G., Cobham, V., Kildea, S., Elgbeili, G., Laplante, D.P., King, S. (2016). A potential psychological mechanism linking disaster-related maternal stress with child cognitive and motor development at 16 months: The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study. Developmental Psychology.
Cao-Lei, l., Dancause, K. N., Elgbeili, G., Laplante, D. P., Szyf, M., King, S. (2016). Pregnant women’s cognitive appraisal affects children’s BMI and central adiposity via DNA methylation: Project Ice Storm. Early Human Development, 103, 189-192.
Simcock, G., Laplante, D.P., Cobham, V., Stapleton, H., Elgbeili, G., Kildea, S., King, S. (2016). Infant neurodevelopment is affected by prenatal maternal stress: The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study. Infancy. Doi: 10.1111/infa.12166
Dancause, K.N., Mutran, D., Elgbeili, G., Laplante, D.P., Kildea, S., Stapleton, H., McIntyre, D., King, S. (2016). Dietary change mediates the effects of stress during pregnancy on infant head circumference measures: The QF2011Study. Maternal and Child Nutrition. DOI:10.1111/mcn.12359
Cao-Lei, L., Veru, F., Elgbeili, G., Szyf, M., Laplante, D.P., & King, S., (2016). DNA methylation mediates the effect of exposure to prenatal maternal stress on cytokine production in children at age 13½ years: Project Ice Storm. Clinical Epigenetics, 8:54. DOI: 10.1186/s13148-016-0219-0
Liu, G. T., Dancause, K. N, Elgbeili, G., Laplante, D. P., & King, S. (2016). Disaster-related prenatal maternal stress explains increasing amounts of variance in body composition through childhood and adolescence: Project Ice Storm. Environmental Research, 150, 1-7. DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2016.04.039
Simcock, G., Kildea, S., Laplante, D.P., Elgbeili, G., Stapleton, H., Cobham, V., & King, S., (2016). Age-related changes in the effects of stress in pregnancy on infant motor development by maternal report: The Queensland Flood Study. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 640-659. DOI: 10.1002/dev.21407
Cao-Lei, L., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2016). Prenatal Maternal Stress and Epigenetics: Review of the Human Research. Current Molecular Biology Reports, 2, 16-25.
Brock, R.L., O’Hara M.W., Hart, K.J., McCabe-Beane, J.E., Williamson, J.A., Brunet, A., Laplante, D.P., Yu, C., & King, S. (2015). Peritraumatic Distress Mediates the Effect of Severity of Disaster Exposure on Perinatal Depression: The Iowa Flood Study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28, 515-522. DOI:10.1002/jts.22056
Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., King, S. (2015). The effects of maternal stress and illness during pregnancy on infant temperament: Project Ice Storm. In press at Pediatric Research, doi:10.1038/pr.2015.
Cao-Lei, L., Dancause, K.N., Elgbeili, G., Massart, R., Szyf, M., Laplante, D.P. & King, S. (2015) DNA methylation mediates the impact of exposure to prenatal maternal stress from the Quebec Ice Storm disaster on BMI and central adiposity in children at age 13½ years. Epigenetics, 10, 749-761. DOI: 10.1080/15592294.2015.1063771
King, S., Kildea, S., Austin, M.P., Brunet, A., Cobham, V.E., Dawson, P.A., Harris, M., Hurrion, E.M., Laplante, D.P., McDermott, B.M., McIntyre, H.D., O’Hara, M.W., Schmitz, N., Stapleton, H., Tracy, S.K., Vaillancourt, C., Dancause, K.N., Kruske, S., Reilly, N., Shoo, L., Simcock, G., Turcotte-Tremblay, A.M., & Yong Ping, E. (2015). QF2011: A protocol to study the effects of the Queensland flood on pregnant women, their pregnancies, and their children's early development. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15:109. doi:10.1186/s12884-015-0539-7
Yong Ping, E., Laplante, D. P., Elgbeili, G., Hillerer, K. M., Brunet, A., O’Hara, M. W., & King, S. (2015). Prenatal maternal stress predicts stress reactivity at 2½ years of age: The Iowa Flood Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 56, 62-78. DOI:0.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.02.015
St-Hilaire, A., Steiger, H., Liu, A., Laplante, D. P., Thaler, L., Magill, T., King, S. (2015). A prospective study of effects of prenatal maternal stress upon later eating-disorder manifestations in affected offspring: Preliminary indications based on the Project Ice Storm cohort. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48, 512-516. DOI: 10.1002/eat.22391
Cao-Lei, L., Elgbeili, G., Massart, G., Laplante, D. P., Szyf, M., King, S. (2015). Pregnant women’s cognitive appraisal from a natural disaster affects DNA methylation in their children 13 years later: Project Ice Storm. Translational Psychiatry, 5: e515. DOI: 10.1038/tp.2015.13
Dancause, K. N., Laplante, D. P., Hart, K. J., O’Hara, M. W., Elgbeili, G., Brunet, A., King, S. (2015) Prenatal stress due to a natural disaster predicts adiposity in childhood: The Iowa Flood Study. Journal of Obesity, vol 2015, Article ID 570541, 10 pages, doi: 10.1155/2015/570541.
Walder, D. J., Laplante, D. P., Sousa-Pires, A., Veru, F., Brunet, A., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress predicts autism traits in 6½ year-old children: Project Ice Storm. Psychiatry Research, 219, 353-360. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.04.034
Turcotte-Tremblay, A-M., Lim, R., Laplante, D. P., Kobzik, L., Brunet, A., King, S. (2014). Prenatal Maternal Stress Predicts Childhood Asthma in Girls: A Project Ice Storm Pilot Study. BioMed Research International, 2014, 201717. DOI: 10.1155/2014/201717
Cao-Lei, L., Massart, R., Suderman, M. J., Machnes, Z., Elgbeili, G., Laplante, D. P., Szyf, M., King, S. (2014) DNA methylation signatures triggered by prenatal maternal stress exposure to a natural disaster: Project Ice Storm, PLOS One, 9, e107653.
Brock, R. L., O’Hara, M. W., Hart, K. J., McCabe, J. E., Williamson, J. A., Laplante, D. P., Yu, C., King, S. (2014). Partner support and maternal depression in the context of the Iowa floods. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 832-843.
Veru, F., Laplante, D. P., Luheshi, G., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress exposure and immune function in the offspring. Stress: The International Journal of the Biology of Stress, 17, 133-148.
Cao, X., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Ciampi, A., King, S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress affects motor function in 5½ year-old children: Project Ice Storm. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 117-125.
Williamson, J.A., McCabe, J.E., O’Hara, M.W., Nylen, K.J., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2013). Parenting Stress in Early Motherhood: Stress Spillover and Social Support. Comprehensive Psychology, 2(11), DOI: 10.2466/10.21.CP.2.11.
Dancause, K. D., Veru, F., Andersen, R. E., Laplante, D. P., & King, S. (2013). Prenatal stress due to a natural disaster predicts insulin secretion in adolescence. Early Human Development, 89, 773-776.
King, S., Dancause, K.N., Turcotte-Tremblay, A-M., Veru, F., & Laplante, D.P. (2012). Using Natural Disasters to Study the Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress on Child Health and Development. Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews, 96(4), 273-288.
Dancause, K. N., Cao, X., Veru, F., Xu, Z., Hong, H., Yu, C., Laplante, D. P., Walker, C-D., & King, S. (2012) Prenatal and early postnatal stress exposure influences long bone length and asymmetry in adult rat offspring. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 149, 307-311.
Dancause KN, Laplante DP, Fraser S, Brunet A, Ciampi A, Schmitz N, King S (2012) Prenatal exposure to a natural disaster increases risk for obesity in 5½ year old children. Pediatr Res 71(1):126-31.
Dancause KN, Cao X, Veru F, Xu Z, Hong H, Yu C, Laplante DP, Walker CD, King S (2012) Prenatal and early postnatal stress exposure influences long bone length and asymmetry in adult rat offspring. Am J Phys Anth 149(2):307-11.
Dancause, K. N., Laplante, D., et al. (2011). Disaster-related prenatal maternal stress incluences birth outcomes: Project Ice Storm. Early Human Development: Available online 23 July 2011: 2010.1016/j.earlhumdev.2011.2006.2007
Charil, A., Laplante, D. P., Vaillancourt, C., King, S., (2010). Prenatal Stress and Brain Development. Brain Research Reviews, 65, 56-79.
King, S., Mancini-Marïe, A., Brunet, A., Walker, E. F., Meaney, M.J., Laplante, D.P., (2009). Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts dermatoglyphic asymmetry in humans. Development & Psychopathology, 21(2),343-53.
Brenner, K., Liu, A., Laplante, D.P., Lupien, S., Pruessner, J.C., Ciampi, A., Joober, R., King, S. (2009). Cortisol response to a psychosocial stressor in schizophrenia : Blunted, delayed, or normal? Psychoneuorendocrinology, 34, 859-868.
Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., Schmitz, N., Ciampi, A. King, S., (2008). Project Ice Storm: Prenatal Maternal Stress Affects Cognitive and Linguistic Functioning in 5 ½ Year Old Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47(9), 1063 - 1072.
Laplante, D. P., Zelazo, P.R. et al. (2007). Functional play at 2 years of age: Effects of prenatal maternal stress Infancy 12(1), 69-93.
King, S., Joober, R., & Laplante, D.P. (2005). Understanding Putative Risk Factors for Schizophrenia: Retrospective and Prospective Studies. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 30, 342-348.
King, S. and Laplante, D. P. (2005). " The effects of prenatal maternal stress on children's cognitive development: Project Ice Storm. Stress-the International Journal on the Biology of Stress, 8(1), 35-45.
Laplante, D. P., Barr, R. G. et al. (2004). " Stress during pregnancy affects general intellectual and language functioning in human toddlers. Pediatric Research, 56(3), 400-410.
Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M., Laplante, D. P., & Pérusse, D. (2003). Physical aggression and expressive vocabulary in 19-month-old twins. Developmental Psychology, 39, 261-273.
Laplante, D. P., Pérusse, D., Boulerice, B., Malo, J., Boivin, M., & Tremblay, R. E. (2001). Infant visual habituation and parental psychological distress. Infant Mental Health Journal, 22, 479-496.
Laplante, D. P., Orr, R. R., Vorkapich, L., & Neville, K. (2000). Multiple dimension processing by newborns. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24, 231-240.
Easterbrook, M. A., Kisilevsky, B. S., Muir, D. W., & Laplante, D. P. (1999). Newborns discriminate schematic faces from scrambled faces. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Experimentale, 53(3), 231-241.
Laplante, D. P., Orr, R. R., Neville, K., Vorkapich, L., & Sasso, D. (1996). Discrimination of stimulus rotation by newborns. Infant Behavior and Development, 19, 271-279.
Zelazo, P. R., Weiss, M. J., Papageorgiou, A. N., & Laplante, D. P. (1989). Recovery and dishabituation of sound localization among normal-, moderate-, and high-risk newborns: Discriminant validity. Infant Behavior and Development, 12, 321-340.
Book Chapters
King, S. & Laplante, D.P. (2015). Using Natural Disasters to Study Prenatal Maternal Stress in Humans. In Antonelli, M.C., Perinatal Programming of Neurodevelopment, pp. 285-313. New York: Springer.
Baillargeon, R. H., Brosseau, J., Laplante, D. P., Wu, H.-X., Japel, C., McDuff, P., et al. (2001). Motor, social and cognitive development, Part II - Cognitive development. Longitudinal Study of Child Development in Quebec. In M. Jetté, H. Desrosiers & R. E. Tremblay (Eds.), ÉLDEQ 1998-2002 (Vol. 1). Quebec: Institut de la statistique du Quebec.
O’Hara, M.W., Brock, R.L., Hart, K., McCabe, J., Williamson, J.A., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2015). The Impact of Traumatic Stress during Pregnancy on the Development of Perinatal Maternal Depression. Symposium at the International Association for Women’s Mental Health. Tokyo, Japan.
Laplante, D. P., Mouallem, M., Elgbeili, G., Cao-Lei, L., Cobham, V., Brunet, A., Kildea, S., King, S. (2015). The 5-httlpr polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene moderates the relationship between prenatal maternal stress and autism spectrum disorder symptoms: the Queensland Flood Study. Poster presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting. February 24, Montebello, Quebec, Canada.
Dancause K, N., Laplante, D. P., Hart, K. J., O'Hara, M. W., Elgbeili, G., Liu, A., Brunet, A., King, S. (2015). Genotype moderates effects of prenatal maternal stress due to a natural disaster on growth in infancy and early childhood: The Iowa Flood Study. Lecture presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meetings. February 25, Montebello QC, Canada.
Cao-Lei L., Elgbeili G., Massart R., Laplante D. P., Moshe S., King, S. (2015). Pregnant women’s cognitive appraisal from a natural disaster affects DNA methylation in their children 13 years later: Project Ice Storm. Poster presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting. February 24, Montebello, Quebec, Canada.
O’Hara, M.W., Brock, R.L., Hart, K., McCabe, J., Williamson, J.A., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2014). The Role of Social Support from the Partner in Maternal Depression: The Iowa Flood Study. Lecture at the Biennial meeting of the International Marcé Society. Swansea, Wales.
King, S., Dancause, K.N., O’Hara, M.W., Hart, K.J., Laplante, D.P., Engeldinger, J., Yu, C., & Brunet, A. (2014). COMT genotype moderates effects of prenatal maternal stress due to a natural disaster on birth outcomes: the Iowa flood study. Abstracts from the 29th CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, Vancouver, Canada, 22–26 June 2014. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, pp. 126. doi:10.1017/S1461145714000741.
King, S., Yong Ping, E., Laplante, D.P., Hillerer, K.M, & O’Hara, M. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress predicts stress reactivity at 2½ years of age: the Iowa flood study. Abstracts from the 29th CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, Vancouver, Canada, 22–26 June 2014. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, pp. 126. doi:10.1017/S1461145714000741.
King, S. & Laplante, D.P. (2014). Water and ice: using natural disasters to study prenatal maternal stress. Abstracts from the 29th CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, Vancouver, Canada, 22–26 June 2014. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, pp. 126. doi:10.1017/S1461145714000741.
St-Pierre, J., Laplante, D. P., Elgbeili, G., King, S., Vaillancourt, C. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress alters placental endocrine functions: fetal sex implications. Poster presented at the IFPA meeting 2014: Fetal placental-maternal crosstalk and pregnancy outcome. Paris, France. Placenta, 35(9), A53.
Yong Ping, E., Laplante, D.P., Hillerer, K.M., O’Hara, M.W., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal Maternal Stress and Toddler Stress Reactivity at 2½ Years of Age: The Iowa Flood Study. Development 2014: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 8-9, 2014.
Dufoix, R., Charil, A., Laplante, D. P., Paus, T., Pruessner, J. C., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster predicts hippocampal volumes in boys at age 11: project ice storm. Development 2014: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 8-9, 2014.
Zhang, H., Dancause, K. N., Laplante, D. P., Liu, A., Brunet, A., O’Hara, M. W., Hart, K., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Is Associated with Handedness at 30 months: Iowa Flood Study. Development 2014: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, May 8-9, 2014.
Laplante, D.P., Hart, K.J., O’Hara, M.W., & King, S. (2014). Disaster-Related Prenatal Maternal Stress Affects Cognitive and Language Abilities in Toddlers: The Iowa Flood Study. Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, Canada, February 12-15, 2014.
King, S., Laplante, D.P. et al. (2014). Prenatal maternal exposure to a natural disaster predicts more masculine 2D:4D finger length ratio in girls: Project Ice Storm. Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, Canada, February 12-15, 2014.
King, S., Yong Ping, E., Yu, C., Hillerer, K., O’Hara, M.W. & Laplante, D.P. (2014). Prenatal Maternal Stress and Toddler Stress Reactivity at 2½ Years of Age: The Iowa Flood Study. Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, Canada, February 12-15, 2014.
King, S., Laplante, D.P. (2014). Water and Ice: Using Natural Disasters to Study Prenatal Maternal Stress. Oral presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, Canada, February 12-15, 2014.
Dufoix, R., Charil, A., Laplante, D.P., Paus, T., Preussner, J. C., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Predicts Hippocampal Volumes in Boys at age 11: Project Ice Storm. Oral presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, Canada, February 12-15, 2014.
Cao-Lei, L., Messart, R., Suderman, M., Machnes, Z., Laplante, D.P., Szyf, M., & King, S. (2014). Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Predicts DNA Methylation Signatures at age 13: Project Ice Storm. Oral presentation at the Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, Banff, Canada, February 12-15, 2014.
King, S., Hurd, P. L., Liu, A., Laplante, D. P. (2014). Prenatal maternal exposure to a natural disaster predicts more masculine 2D:4D finger length ratio in girls: Project Ice Storm. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 17, 126-127. (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore, November 17-20, 2013.)
King, S., Cao, L, Messart, R., Suderman, M., Szyf, M., Laplante, D. P. (2013). DNA Methylation signatures of prenatal maternal exposure to a natural disaster: Project Ice Storm. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore, November 17-20, 2013.
King, S., Laplante, D. P. (2013). Water and Ice: Using Natural Disasters to Study Prenatal Maternal Stress. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore, November 17-20, 2013.
Laplante, D. P., Nylen, K., O’Hara, M. W., Brunet, A., Yu, C., & King, S. (2013). Disaster-Related Prenatal Maternal Stress Affects Cognitive and Language Abilities in Toddlers: The Iowa Flood Study. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore, November 17-20, 2013.
Dancause, K. N., O'Hara, M. W, Nylen, K. J., Laplante, D. P., Engeldinger, J, Yu, C, Brunet A, King, S. (2013). Prenatal stress due to a natural disaster predicts birth weight and length: The Iowa Flood Study. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Singapore, November 17-20, 2013.
O’Hara, M.W., Dancause, K.N., Nylen, K.J., Laplante, D.P., Engeldinger, J., Yu, C., Brunet, A., & King, S. (2013). Prenatal Stress Due to a Natural Disaster Predicts Birth Weight and Length: The Iowa Flood Study. Paper session at the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Berlin, Germany.
Laplante, D. P., Walder, D. J., Brunet, A., & King, S. (2013). Prenatal Maternal Stress Predicts Subclinical Autism Traits in 6½ Year-old Children: Project Ice Storm. Presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle.
Laplante, D. P., Nylen, K., O’Hara, M. W., Brunet, A., Yu, C., & King, S. (2013). Disaster-Related Prenatal Maternal Stress Affects Cognitive and Language Abilities in Toddlers: The Iowa Flood Study. Presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle.
Dancause, K. N., Veru, F., Andersen, R. E., Laplante, D. P., & King, S. (2013). Prenatal stress due to a natural disaster predicts insulin secretion in adolescence. Presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle.
Laplante, D. P., Dancause, K. N., Brunet, A., Veru, F., Yu, C., & King, S. (2012). The Effects of Prenatal Stress on Birth and Health Outcomes of Exposed Offspring: Project Ice Storm and the Iowa Flood Study. Paper presented at the 2012 International Conference of Infant Studies, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
King, S., Brunet, Liao, Q., & Laplante, D. P. (2012). The effects of prenatal maternal stress on internalizing and externalizing problems during childhood: Project Ice Storm. Poster presented at the International Society for Study of Behavioral Development, Edmonton, Alberta.
King, S., Charil, A., St-Hillaire, A., Chupin, M., Colliot, O., Paus, T., Pruessner, J. C., Schmitz, N., Brunet, A., Walder, D. J., & Laplante, D. P. (2012). Breastfeeding under stress during infancy is associated with hippocampal volume, cortisol stress response, and internalizing problems in adolescence. Poster presented at the International Society for Study of Behavioral Development, Edmonton, Alberta.
Engeldinger, J., O'Hara M., King S., Laplante D. P., Nylen K., McCabe J., & Williamson A. (2012) Maternal distress during pregnancy: Impact on maternal and child outcomes over 16-months. World Association for Infant Mental Health, Capetown, South Africa, April 20, 2012.
Engeldinger, J. & O’Hara, M. W., King, S., Laplante, D. P., Nylen, K. J., McCabe, J., & Williamson, J. A. (2011, March). Maternal Stress during Pregnancy: Impact on Maternal and Child Outcomes Over 16-Months. Symposium presented at the 4th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Madrid, Spain.
Dancause KN, Laplante DP, Fraser S, Ruiz-Culebro C, Brunet A, Ciampi A, Schmitz N, King S. Impact of prenatal maternal stress on birth outcomes and physical growth: Project Ice Storm. Podium presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the HBA (Human Biology Association). Minneapolis MN, USA, April 2011. Am J Hum Biol 23(2):255-6.
King, S., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., Marsolais, Y., & Ciampi, A. Prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster effects both cognitive and behavioural development at ages 5 and 8 years: Project Ice Storm. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, March 31 – April 2, 2011.
Turcotte-Tremblay, A-M., Lim, R., Béland Yelle, A., Huang, Y., Laplante, D. P.., Kobzik, L., Brunet, A. & King, S. Does Stress During Pregnancy Increase the Risk for Asthma in 11 ½ Year Old Offspring? Presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, March 31 – April 2, 2011.
Charil, A., Lepage, M., Czechowska, Y., Laplante, D. P., & King, S. Relation between child abuse and/or neglect and hippocampal volumes, and cortical thickness, in first episode psychosis patients. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, March 31 – April 2, 2011.
Charil, A., Laplante, D. P., Chupin, M., Colliot, O., Paus, T., Pruessner, J. C., Schmitz, N., Brunet, A., Walder, D. J., & King, S. Breastfeeding under stress during infancy is associated with hippocampal volume, cortisol stress response, and internalizing problems in adolescence. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, March 31 – April 2, 2011.
Laplante, D. P., Dancause, K. N., Ruiz-Culebro, C., Fraser, S., & King, S. Prenatal maternal stress impacts fetal outcomes: Project Ice Storm. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, March 31 – April 2, 2011.
Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., & King, S. Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster and 1st Trimester Maternal Illness Predict Temperament Status in 6 Month-Olds. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, March 31 – April 2, 2011.
McCabe, J. E., Williamson, J. A., O’Hara, M. W., King, S., & Laplante, D. P. (2011). “But I Don’t Have Depression.” Parenting Stress in a Non-Clinical Sample: Affective Dimensions Underlying Depression and Anxiety. Poster presented at The 4th World Congress on Women's Mental Health. March 16 – 19, Madrid, Spain
Engeldinger, J. & O’Hara, M. W., King, S., Laplante, D. P., Nylen, K. J., McCabe, J., & Williamson, J. A. (2011). Maternal Stress during Pregnancy: Impact on Maternal and Child Outcomes Over 16-Months. Poster presented at The 4th World Congress on Women's Mental Health. March 16 – 19, Madrid, Spain.
O’Hara, M. W., King, S., Laplante, D., Nylen, K., McCabe, J., Williamson, J. A. (2010 October). Maternal stress during pregnancy: Impact on maternal and child outcomes over 16-months. The Marcé Society International Biennial Scientific Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
King, S., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Liao Q, Schmitz, N. (2010). Transmission of Maternal Stress in Pregnancy to the Unborn Child: Project Ice Storm. Symposium paper presented at International Society for Traumatic Studies, Montreal, November 4 – 6, 2010.
Charil, A., Laplante, D.P., Paus, T., Pruessner, J., Brunet, A., King, S. (2010) Breastfeeding under stress during infancy is associated with hippocampal volume, cortisol stress response, and internalizing problems in adolescence. Poster presented at International Society for Traumatic Studies, Montreal, November 4 – 6, 2010.
Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Grizenko, N., Schmitz, N., King, S., (2010). Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Affects Intellectual and Language Development in Children: Project Ice Storm. Poster presented at International Society for Traumatic Studies, Montreal, November 4 – 6, 2010.
Charil, A., Lepage, M., Joober, R., Laplante, D. P., King, S. (2010). Relation between child abuse and/or neglect and hippocampal volumes, and cortical thickness, in first episode psychosis patients. Poster presented at International Society for Traumatic Studies, Montreal, November 4 – 6, 2010.
Dancause, K.N., Laplante, D.P., Fraser, S., Brunet, A., Ciampi, A., Schmitz, N., & King, S. (2010). Prenatal exposure to a natural disaster increases risk for obesity in children. Presented at the 3rd Conference on Recent Advances in the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity, Hamilton, Ontario, October 28 – 29, 2010.
Charil, A., Laplante, D.P., Vaillancourt, C. & King, S. (2010). Prenatal Maternal Stress and Brain Development. Poster presented at the Parental Brain conference, Edinburgh, September 1 – 4, 2010.
Charil, A., Laplante, D.P., Chupin, M., Colliot, O., Paus, T., Pruessner, J., Schmitz, N., Brunet, A., & S. King (2010). Breastfeeding under stress due to a natural disaster affects children’s hippocampus, stress response, and behavior. Oral presentation (and poster) given at the Parental Brain conference, Edinburgh, September 1 – 4, 2010.
King, S., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., Hurd, P., Schmitz, N. & Charil, A. (2010). Effects of prenatal maternal stress from a natural disaster on childhood outcomes: Project Ice Storm. Poster presented at the Parental Brain conference, Edinburgh, September 1 – 4, 2010.
Charil, A., Lepage, M., Czechowska, Y., Joober, R., Laplante, DP. & King, S. (2010) Relation between child abuse and/or neglect and hippocampal volumes, and cortical thickness, in first episode psychosis patients. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience (ISDN), Estoril, Portugal, June 6-9, 2010.
Charil, A., Laplante, DP., Chupin, M., Colliot, O., Paus, T., Pruessner, JC., Schmitz, N., Brunet, A., Walder, DJ. & King, S. (2010) Breastfeeding under stress during infancy is associated with hippocampal volume, cortisol stress response, and internalizing problems in adolescence. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience (ISDN), Estoril, Portugal, June 6-9, 2010.
Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., Grizenko, N., Schmitz, N., & King. (2010) Prenatal Maternal Stress and Brain Development. Poster presented at International Society for Traumatic Studies, Montreal, November 4 – 6, 2010.
Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., Hurd, P., Walder, D.J., Charil, A., Dancause, K.N., Schmitz, N. & King, S. (2010). Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress on Cognitive, Behavioural, and Physical Outcomes across Childhood: Project Ice Storm. Presented at the annual meeting of the Life History Research Society, Montreal, October 14 – 17, 2010.
Walder, D.J., Sousa-Pires, A.I., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., & King, S. (2010). Prenatal Maternal Stress Exposure and Autism Traits Among Offspring at Age 6.5 Years: The 1998 Quebec Ice Storm. Presented at the annual meeting of the Life History Research Society, Montreal, October 14 – 17, 2010.
King, S., Laplante, DP., Brunet, A., Hurd, P., Schmitz, N. & Charil, A. (2009). Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster on Childhood Outcomes: Project Ice Storm. Poster presented at the Society of Toxicology PPTOXII Meeting, Miami, December 7-10, 2009.
Charil, A, Czechowska, Y, Malla, A, Joober, R., Laplante, DP, King, S (2009). Effects of Child Abuse and/or Neglect on Hippocampal Volumes in First Episode Psychosis Patients. Presented at the International Society of Neuroimaging in Psychiatry meeting, September 9 – 12, 2009, Atlanta. ** Award for best poster presentation **
King, S., Garneau, H.C., Brunet, A., Laplante, D.P. (2009). Blunted Cortisol Response to Vaccination Stress Associated with More Behavior Problems in Preschoolers Exposed to Stress In Utero. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, September 10 – 13, 2009, Minneapolis.
Laplante, D. P., Bouchard, I., Hurd, P. L., Brunet, A., King, S. (2009) Project Ice Storm: Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress on Physical Development. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, April 2-4, Denver.
King, S., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Walder, D.J., Ciampi, A. (2009) Exposure to Prenatal Maternal Stress Predicts Development Resembling that of High Risk and Pre-Schizophrenic Children. Poster: Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s213.
Pierre, K., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2009). The Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress and Maternal Illness on Temperament in 6-Month Old Infants. Poster: Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s226.
King, S., Garneau, H.C., Brunet, A., & Laplante, D.P. (2009) Blunted Cortisol Response to Vaccination Stress Associated with More Behavior Problems in Preschoolers Exposed to Stress In Utero. Poster : Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s174.
Deschènes, S., Laplante, D. P. & King, S. (2009). Project Ice Storm: Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress, Resting Heart Rate on the Development of Externalizing Behaviours in 8½ year-old Children. Poster: Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s226.
Laplante, D. P., Fraser, S., Brunet, A., Ciampi, A., Schmitz, N., & King, S. (2009). Prenatal Exposure to a Natural Disaster Increases Risk for Obesity in 5 ½ Year Old Children. Paper: Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s23.
Laplante, D. P., Bouchard, I., Hurd, P. L., Brunet, A., & King, S. (2009). Project Ice Storm: Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress on Physical Development. Poster: Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s174.
Laplante, D.P., Fraser, S., & King, S. (2009). Prenatal Maternal Stress Affects Fetal Growth. Poster: Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Montreal, April 22-25, 2009. Published in Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37 (S1), s174.
King, S., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Walder, D.J., Hurd, P.L., & Ciampi, A. (2009) Exposure to Prenatal Maternal Stress Predicts Development Resembling that of High Risk and Pre-Schizophrenic Children. The International Prodromal Research Network (IPRN), San Diego, March 26-27, 2009.
King, S., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Walder, D.J., Hurd, P.L., & Ciampi, A. (2009) Exposure to Prenatal Maternal Stress Predicts Development Resembling that of High Risk and Pre-Schizophrenic Children. International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, San Diego, March 28 – April 1, 2009. Published in Schizophrenia Research, 35: Supplement 1, page 80.
Pierre, K., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2008). The Effects of Maternal Illness and Prenatal Maternal Stress on the Developing Fetus: An Exploration of Temperament Among Infants at 6 months. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, September 25 – 28, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Deschenes, S., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (2008). Prenatal Maternal Stress, Resting Heart Rate and Externalizing Behavior in Children Exposed in utero to the 1998 Quebec Ice Storm. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology, September 25 – 28, 2008, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
King, S., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., Hurd, P.L., Meaney, M.J., Morin, M., Walker, E., Kelly, B., Lane, A. (2006). Project Ice Storm: A Prospective Study of the Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress – Continued Effects Through Age 5 ½ Years. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Early Psychosis, October 4-6, 2006, Birmingham, UK. Schizophrenia Research, 86, p. S73.
King, S., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A. Ruiz, C., Fraser, S., Munro, K., Mancini, A., Morin, M. (February 2006). Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Affects Physical, Cognitive and Behavioral Development in Children: Project Ice Storm. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology, February 8-11, 2006, Kohala Coast, Hawaii.
Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., King, S. (November 2005). Effects of prenatal maternal stress on children's cognitive development. Poster to be presented at the 21st annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, November 2-5, 2005, Toronto, Canada.
King, S., Walker, C-D., Brunet, A., Meaney, M., Laplante, D.P. (September 2005). Project Ice Storm: Effect of prenatal cortisol levels on obstetric complications. Poster to be presented at the 36th Annual meeting of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, September 24-27, 2005, Montreal, Canada.
Walder, D.J., Laplante1, D.P., Walker, C-D., & King, S. (September 2005). Prenatal maternal exposure to the January 1998 Quebec Ice Storm: Maternal and Offspring HPA functioning, maternal post-traumatic stress symptoms, and objective stress. Poster to be presented at the 36th Annual meeting of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, September 24-27, 2005, Montreal, Canada.
Hurd PL, Laplante DP, Pagliardini S, Greer J, King, S. (August 2005). Environmental Effects on Digit Ratio: Maternal Stress in Children and Uterine Neighbours in Mice. Presented at 3rd International Behavioral Development Symposium, Minot, North Dakota, August 3-6, 2005.
Fraser, S., Laplante, D.P., & King, S. (May 2005). Prenatal maternal stress: The long-term effects on children's physical health. Presented at Trauma and Global Health: Third Annual Global Health Research Conference, Toronto, May 27 - 28, 2005.
Ruiz Culebro, C., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., & King, S. (May 2005). Project Ice Storm: The Effect of Perinatal Maternal Stress on Labor-Delivery Complications. Presented at Trauma and Global Health: Third Annual Global Health Research Conference, Toronto, May 27 - 28, 2005.
Laplante, D.P., King, S. & Brunet, A. (May 2005). Project Ice Storm: Effects of Prenatal Stress on Children's Physical, Cognitive and Behavioral Development. Presented at Adapting to Climate Change 2005, Montreal, May 4-7, 2005.
Ruiz Culebro, C., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., & King, S. (May 2005). Project Ice Storm: The Effect of Perinatal Maternal Stress on Labor-Delivery Complications. Poster presented at Adapting to Climate Change 2005, Montreal, May 4-7, 2005.
Mbirkou, S., Laplante, D.P., A. Brunet, Caron, J. & King, S. (May 2005). Project Ice Storm: The Impact of the 998 Ice Storm on Postnatal Depression: The Role of Social Support. Poster presented at Adapting to Climate Change 2005, Montreal, May 4-7, 2005.
Munro, K., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., & King, S. (May 2005). Project Ice Storm : Physiological and behavioral reactions to an acute stresor in children exposed in utero to varying levels of prenatal maternal stress. Poster presented at Adapting to Climate Change 2005, Montreal, May 4-7, 2005.
Mancini-Marie, A., Laplante, D.P., Walker, E., Brunet, A., Ciampi A. & King, S. (May 2005). Prenatal Maternal Stress During Specific Weeks of Pregnancy Predict Greater Finger-Ridge Count Asymmetry. Poster presented at Adapting to Climate Change 2005, Montreal, May 4-7, 2005.
Lemieux, S., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A. & King, S. (May 5, 2005). Study of the Effects of Prenatal Stress on Facial Expressions of Infants Exposed in Utero to the 1998 Ice Storm in Quebec. Poster presented at Adapting to Climate Change 2005, Montreal, May 4-7, 2005.
Ruiz, C., Laplante, D., Nbirkou, S. & King, S. (2005) Effets du stress maternel prénatal sur les complications lors de l'accouchement et/ou de la période de travail. ACFAS (French Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science), Chicoutimi, Québec, May 9-13, 2005.
Mancini-Marïe, A, Laplante, D.P., Walker, E., Brunet, A., Ciampi, A., King, S. (2005). Le stress maternel prénatal durant les semaines de gestation 14 à 22 prédit une plus grande asymétrie dermatologique. ACFAS (French Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science), Chicoutimi, Québec, May 9-13, 2005.
Morin, M., Laplante, D.P., Brunet, A., & King, S.. (2005). Les effets du stress prenatal maternel sur le développement des troubles d'attentions chez les enfants de cinq ans. ACFAS, Chicoutimi Québec May 9-13 2005.
King, S., Laplante, D. P, Brunet, A., Morin, M., Lane, K. Ciampi, A. (April 2005). Exposure to Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Explains Variance in Children's Cognitive, Behavioral and Dermatoglyphic Characteristics. International Congress for Schizophrenia Research, Savannah, Georgia, April 2-6, 2005. Published in Schizophrenia Bulletin, 31:2, page 226
Mancini, A., King, S., Laplante, D. (October 2004). Timing of Prenatal Maternal Stress from a Natural Disaster Predicts Dermatoglyphic Asymmetry. Society for Research in Psychopathology, Saint-Louis, Missouri, October 7-10, 2004.
Brunet, A., King, S., Laplante, D., Barr, R., Zelazo, P., Saucier, J.-F., et al. (2003, March 27-30). Project Ice Storm: A Prospective Study of the Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress. Paper presented at the 23rd National Conference of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Silver Spring, MD.
King, S., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Barr, R., Zelazo, P., Saucier, J.-F., et al. (2003, March). Project Ice Storm: A Prospective Study of the Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress on Other Risk Factors for Schizophrenia. Paper presented at the International Congress of Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs.
Laplante, D. P., Barr, R. G., Brunet, A., Galbaud du Fort, G., Meaney, M., Saucier, J.-F., et al. (2003, October). Stress During Pregnancy Affects Cognitive Functioning in Human Toddlers. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Toronto, Canada.
Dionne, G., Tremblay, R. E., Boivin, M., Laplante, D. P., & Pérusse, D. (2002, July). Physical aggression and expressive vocabulary in 18-month-old twins. Paper presented at the International Society for Research on Aggression,, Montreal, Canada.
King, S., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., Barr, R., Zelazo, P., Saucier, J.-F., et al. (2002, September). Project Ice Storm: A Prospective Study of the Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress. Paper presented at the International Conference on Early Psychosis, Copenhagen.
Laplante, D. P., King, S., Barr, R. G., Brunet, A., & Saucier, J.-F. (2002, April). Effects of orenatal maternal stress on infant cognitive and linguistic development. Paper presented at the Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto.
Laplante, D. P., & Zelazo, P. R. (2002, April). Predicting IQ and language abilities at 32 months from static and sequentially presented visual stimuli at 4 months. Paper presented at the Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto.
Pérusse, D., Laplante, D. P., Tremblay, R. E., & Boivin, M. (2002, July-August). Genetic-environmental etiology of information processing precursors of later attentional problems: A study of infant twins. Paper presented at the 11th World Congress of Psychophysiology, Montreal, Canada.
Brunet, A., King, S., Barr, R. G., Laplante, D. P., Saucier, J.-F., & Meaney, M. (2001). La tempête de verglas : La relation entre les dimensions objectives, et la réponse émotionnelle, cognitive et normonale. Paper presented at the Colloque interdisciplinaire sur les conséquences des catastrophes et des événements traumatique sur la santé des individus, des intervenants et des communautés, Chicoutimi, Québec, October.
King, S., Barr, R. G., Brunet, A., Saucier, J.-F., Laplante, D. P., & Meaney, M. (2001, October). Projet Verglas: L'issue de la grossesse et le tempérament du bébé. Paper presented at the Colloque interdisciplinaire sur les conséquences des catastrophes et des événements traumatique sur la santé des individus, des intervenants et des communautés, Chicoutimi, Québec.
Laplante, D. P. (2001, April). Infant and parental predictor of language abilities. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Laplante, D. P., King, S., Barr, R. G., Brunet, A., Saucier, J.-F., & Meaney, M. (2001, October). Projet Verglas: Développement cognitif et linguistique du jeune enfant. Paper presented at the Colloque interdisciplinaire sur les conséquences des catastrophes et des événements traumatique sur la santé des individus, des intervenants et des communautés, Chicoutimi, Québec.
Pérusse, D., Laplante, D. P., Boulerice, B., Lupien, S., Boivin, M., & Tremblay, R. E. (2001, November). Infant information processing abilities: A study of five-month-old twins. Paper presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego.
Saucier, J.-F., King, S., Barr, R. G., Laplante, D. P., Brunet, A., & Meaney, M. (2001, October). Projet Verglas: Dépression post-partum chez la mère. Paper presented at the Colloque interdisciplinaire sur les conséquences des catastrophes et des événements traumatique sur la santé des individus, des intervenants et des communautés, Chicoutimi, Québec.
Dionne, G., Boivin, M., Laplante, D. P., Tremblay, R. E., & Pérusse, D. (2000). Genetic models of expressive and receptive language in 18-month old French-speaking twins. Paper presented at the XIIth Biennial Meeting of the International Conference of Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.
Laplante, D. P. (2000a, July). Latency times predict duration of looking in 5-month-old infants. Paper presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.
Laplante, D. P. (2000b, July). Testosterone mediates the relationship between infant visual habituation and parental psychopathology. Paper presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Brighton, UK.
King, S., Barr, R., Galbaud du Fort, G., Laplante, D., Meaney, M., Saucier, J.-F., et al. (1999, November). The January 1998 Quebec ice storm and infant outcomes. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Research in Psychopathology, Montreal, Canada.
King, S., Barr, R. G., Laplante, D., Zelazo, P., & Saucier, J.-F. (1999). Project Ice Storm: Effects of Prenatal Maternal Stress on Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Psychopathology, Montreal.
Laplante, D. P. (1999a, April). Does testosterone influence performance on the visual expectancy paradigm? Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Laplante, D. P. (1999b, April). Stimulus movement speeds novelty detection. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Baillargeon, R. H., & Laplante, D. P. (1998, July). Postural control in 5-month-old infants: Its cognitive and social correlates. Paper presented at the XVth Meetings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Berne, Switerland.
Laplante, D. P. (1998, May). The relation between testosterone and visual discrimination in infancy. Paper presented at the 4e Journeé scientifique de la Réseau Santé Mentale FRSQ, Université de Montréal.
Laplante, D. P., & Pérusse, D. (1998, April). Infant visual habituation and parental psychopathology. Paper presented at the XIth Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies, Atlanta.
Laplante, D. P., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. E., & Boivin, M. (1998a, April). Relationship between parental psychopathology and infant visual habituation: gender differences. Paper presented at the XIth Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies, Atlanta.
Laplante, D. P., Pérusse, D., Tremblay, R. E., & Boivin, M. (1998b). Infant future-oriented abilities and paternal hostility and interpersonal sensitivity: Midtwin analyses. Paper presented at the Canadian Psychology Association 1998 Convention, Edmonton, Alberta.
Pecchinenda, A., Laplante, D. P., Boivin, M., & Pérusse, D. (1998, April). Attention regulation and physiological arousability: Interindividual differences at 5-months. Paper presented at the XIth Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies, Atlanta.
Baillargeon, R. H., Laplante, D. P., Normand, C. L., Tremblay, R. E., & Pérusse, D. (1997). Mechanisms of selective attention involved in the development of behavioral problems in infancy: The Quebec newborn twin study. Paper presented at the Executive Functions and Developmental Psychopathology: Theories and Application Conference, Clarke Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Laplante, D. P. (1997, April). Patterns of habituation at birth. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.
Easterbrook, M. A., Laplante, D. P., Vorkapich, L., Kisilevsky, B. S., Neville, K., & Muir, D. W. (1996, April). Newborn preferential and discriminatory behaviour toward two face-like stimuli. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Providence, Rhode Island.
Laplante, D. P. (1996, August). Effect of stimulus movement on habituation and recovery of visual fixations. Paper presented at the XIVth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Québec City, Québec, Canada.
Laplante, D. P., & Orr, R. R. (1996, April). Delayed recognition memory in newborns. Paper presented at the Xth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Providence, Rhode Island.
Neville, K. E., Laplante, D. P., Vorkapich, L., & Orr, R. R. (1995, April). Multiple movement processing in newborns. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis.
Vorkapich, L., Laplante, D. P., Neville, K. E., & Orr, R. R. (1995, April). Color and line orientation processing of moving stimuli by newborns. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis.
Brozowski, C., Church, G., Laplante, D. P., Wells., G., & Kobasigawa, A. (1994, May). An analysis of kindergarten report cards in Ontario. Paper presented at the 8th Biennial University of Waterloo Conference on Child Development, Waterloo.
Laplante, D. P. (1994, April). Testing the newborn infant. Paper presented at the Third Annual University of Windsor Psychology Graduate Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.
Laplante, D. P., & Orr, R. R. (1994a, May). Stimulus movement and processing proficiency in newborns. Paper presented at the 8th Biennial University of Waterloo Conference on Child Development, Waterloo.
Laplante, D. P., & Orr, R. R. (1994b, June). Visual compound processing by newborn infants. Paper presented at the IXth Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies, Paris, France.
Laplante, D. P., Vorkapich, L., Neville, K., & Sasso, D. (1994, June). Discrimination of stimulus rotation by newborn infants: Methodological considerations. Paper presented at the IXth Biennial International Conference for Infant Studies, Paris, France.
Laplante, D. P. (1993, April). Can stimulus movement be detected by human infants? Paper presented at the Second Annual University of Windsor Psychology Graduate Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.
Laplante, D. P., Orr, R. R., Crilley, D., & Pardy, S. (1993, May). Discrimination of stimulus movements by newborn infants: Methodological considerations. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal.
Laplante, D. P. (1992, April). Wow! Check-out those lines. Paper presented at the First Annual University of Windsor Psychology Graduate Conference, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.
Laplante, D. P., Zelazo, P. R., & Kearsley, R. B. (1991, April.). The effect of a short-term parent implemented treatment program on the production of expressive language. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington.
Stack, D. M., Laplante, D. P., & Zelazo, P. R. (1991, August). Four-month Down Syndrome infants attention to sequential stimuli. Paper presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Bédard, R., Laplante, D. P., Stack, D. M., & Zelazo, P. R. (1990, August). Directed functional play behaviors in normal, moderate, and high-risk infants. Paper presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.
Laplante, D. P., Bédard, R., & Morin, G. (1990, April). Play in 13 and 22 month-old normal, moderate, and high-risk infants. Paper presented at the VIIth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Montreal.
Laplante, D. P., Zelazo, P. R., & Gauthier, S. (1989, April). Normal, moderate, and high-risk infant attention to sequential and static visual stimuli. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, Missouri.
Zelazo, P. R., Weiss, M. J., Laplante, D. P., & Bédard, R. (1989, April). Predictability from newborn auditory to 4 month visual attention for normal, and risk samples. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City.
Weiss, M. J., & Laplante, D. P. (1988, April). Relative attention to visual stimuli for normal, moderate, and high-risk neonates. Paper presented at the Internation Conference on Infant Studies, Washington, DC.
Weiss, M. J., Laplante, D. P., & Eisen, L. (1987, April). Habituation and recovery of Down Syndrome neonates' attention to auditory and visual stimuli. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore.
Magazine Articles
Laplante, D. P. (1994, May). On babies and school. CPA Section on Developmental Psychology Newsletter.
Presentations (as an invitee)
D.P. Laplante, & S. King, (March, 2006) In Utero Exposure to Maternal Stress Affects Physical, Cognitive, and Behavioural Development in Children: Outcomes from Project Ice Storm. Climate Change and Health Impacts Atlantic Conference 2006, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Laplante, D. P. (2001, October). Maternal Effects on Infant Visual Information Processing. Paper presented at the Symposium on Longitudinal Cohorts to Study the Impact of Genes and Environments on Behavior Development, McGill University, Montreal.
Laplante, D. P. (1998, April). Infant visual processing: Preliminary findings from the Quebec Study of Newborn Twins. University of Calgary, Calgary.
Laplante, D. P. (1997, November). Infant visual habituation as a measure of cognitive competence. Meeting of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Laplante, D. P. (1996, December). Infant cognitive and physiological predictors of parental psychopathological symptomatology: A twin study. ELEDEQ seminar series, Université de Montréal.
Laplante, D. P. (1995a, April). A brief look at GRADDAY: Why we did it and what is it all about! Fourth Annual University of Windsor Psychology Graduate Conference, Windsor.
Laplante, D. P. (1995b, November). Stimulus motion processing in newborns: Methodological concerns. Concordia University, Montreal.