P1 - Overall rating of patient experience for outpatient care  

Key Messages

•    Patients give high ratings for the overall quality of their care. 
•    97.9% of cancer patients treated within the Rossy Cancer Network partner hospitals rate their care as “excellent” (56.8%), “very good” (32.6%) or “good”(8.5%). 


This indicator compares patient satisfaction scores from Rossy Cancer Network (RCN) partner hospitals that have implemented the Ambulatory Oncology Patient Satisfaction Survey (AOPSS). The AOPSS was launched at the RCN in 2012 and is used to assess the patient experience among those who receive cancer treatment (radiation therapy, chemotherapy or surgery) in an outpatient treatment setting. This survey was developed by the National Research Corporation Canada and is currently used in eight Canadian provinces.

Charts and Tables

Figure 1 - Overall rating of outpatient care - 2015-16

What do the Results Mean?

Over 97% of respondents rate the overall quality of services as “excellent”, “very good” or “good”.  This score is comparable to the Canadian average. 

Similar to the other Canadian provinces, the RCN observes a 40-50% response rate for the AOPSS mailed survey. Of the patients who respond, 3/5th are women, 1/2 are 65 years of age or older, and around 1/4th are breast cancer patients.

Data Specifications


NRC Ambulatory Oncology Patient Satisfaction Survey (AOPSS) (self-reported data)


Surveys are mailed quarterly (JGH=150, MUHC=150, SMHC-115) to randomly selected patients, ≥ 18 years of age, who received active treatment (surgery, radiation (JGH & MUHC only), or chemotherapy) in the 3 months prior to selection. 
Patients receiving oral chemotherapy agents are included in the sample size.
Patients are surveyed only once.


Quarterly, since 2012; Figure 1 represents mean percentage of the most recent 4 quarters (2015-16).  


The AOPSS question was the following:

Overall, how would you rate the quality of care at (named) Hospital in the past 6 months?
Dans l'ensemble, comment évalueriez-vous la qualité des soins reçus à/au Hôpital au cours des six derniers mois?
Possible Responses:  Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor
Réponses possibles: excellent, très bien, bien, passable, mauvais

Disclaimer: The Rossy Cancer Network has attempted to ensure the accuracy of the data that it is reporting for each of its hospitals. Values posted on this web page may change as new information becomes available or corrections are made; this may alter accumulated values.                                      

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