Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Livestreaming of Senate Meetings

Terms of Reference

The Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Livestreaming of Senate Meetings is a special purpose committee of Senate with a mandate to review the experience of livestreaming of Senate meetings during the pilot project for the period January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.

With reference to the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Recording and Transmission of Senate Meetings, the Committee will:


1.      undertake a review of the livestreaming of Senate meetings taking into account, but not limited to, the following considerations:
         a.       the experience and outcomes of livestreaming since January 1, 2013;
         b.      the perceived benefits and limitations of livestreaming;
         c.       the cost of livestreaming;
         d.      the possible continuation of livestreaming or alternate forms of transmission; 
2.      consult with Senators and members of the McGill community as it considers appropriate;

3.      at the conclusion of its review, reports to Senate in writing by February 2014, including any recommendations related to future livestreaming.



Chair: Principal’s delegate, Dean Chandra Madramootoo
Five representatives appointed by Senate (all of whom should have recent experience as Senators), as follows:
       Two members of the academic staff:
            Professor Ashraf Ismail (Food Science & Agricultural Chemistry, FAES)
            Mr. Marc Richard (LIBRARIES)
       One member of the administrative and support staff:
           Ms. Antonia Di Paola (Group 2)
       Two students (one graduate, one undergraduate):
           Mr. Adam Bouchard (PGSS)
           Ms. Haley Dinel (SSMU)
       One technical advisor (from Network and Communication Services)
           Jean-Guy Tremblay 

The Secretariat will provide administrative support to the Committee   


Source: Senate Minute IIB5, November 20, 2013
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