Laurence Roy

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor

Laurence Roy
Contact Information

Building: Davis House, 3654 Promenade Sir-William-Osler

Mailing Address: 3654 Promenade Sir-William-Osler, Montréal, QC, Canada H3G 1Y5

Lab Room: Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas

Email address: 
laurence.roy [at]
Associate Professor; Chercheur régulier, Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale Douglas; Chercheur régulier, CREMIS

B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy), Université de Montréal; PhD (Sciences Biomédicales (option Réadaptation)), Université de Montréal ; Postdoc (Psychiatry) McGill University.


Teaching areas: 

OCC1 618: Applied occupational therapy psychosocial practice

OCC1 622: Community-based occupational therapy

Current research: 

My research primarily focuses on the way communities shape and are shaped by the engagement, inclusion, and occupations of persons who live in or near the margin. Specifically, my team conducts projects on psychosocial rehabilitation, community integration, occupational engagement and recovery of adults who live with mental illness or experience psychosocial challenges, particularly in the areas of housing, homelessness, education and justice involvement. I am leading projet AMONT, a multi-site longitudinal follow-up study examining the housing situation and risk of homelessness among new mental health service users in seven Quebec sites. I am also working extensively with community organizations supporting women and children who experience housing instability. I have a particular interest in building and documenting participatory partnerships where knowledge can be exchanged and co-constructed, particularly around the position of occupational therapy in the field of homelessness, and of intersectoral work of mental health, social services and justice services with and for persons who experience both residential instability and mental illness. I am accepting applications from students interested in pursuing their MSc / PhD in the Graduate Research Program.


Mes travaux de recherche s'articulent autour de la façon dont les communautés soutiennent et sont modelées par l'engagement, l'inclusion, et les occupations des personnes qui vivent dans la marge, ou aux alentours. Plus spécifiquement, mon équipe mènent des projets de recherche sur la réadaptation psychosociale, l’intégration dans la communauté, l'engagement occupationnel et le rétablissement des personnes vivant avec un trouble mental, en particulier celles en situation de précarité comme l’instabilité résidentielle, l’itinérance et l’implication judiciaire. Je mène le projet AMONT, une étude de cohorte longitudinale multi-site visant à examiner la situation résidentielle et le risque d'itinérance chez les personnes nouvellement utilisatrices de services de santé mentale. Je travaille également en collaboration avec les milieux communautaires soutenant les femmes et les enfants en situation d'instabilité résidentielle. Je m'intéresse également à l'échange et à la mobilisation de connaissances, entre autres à l'interface entre ergothérapie et itinérance, ainsi que dans le travail intersectoriel entre pratiques sociales, de santé et judiciaires auprès des personnes itinérantes ayant un trouble mental. Les étudiants intéressés à poursuivre des études de maîtrise ou de doctorat de recherche en réadaptation psychosociale sont invités à communiquer avec moi.

Current projects/Projets en cours

Projet AMONT: Prévention de l'itinérance et suivi du parcours résidentiel des nouveaux utilisateurs de services de santé mentaleProjet AMONT: Prévention de l'itinérance et suivi du parcours résidentiel des nouveaux utilisateurs de services de santé mentale (Co-Is: Amal Abdel-Baki, Luigi de Benedictis, Marc-André Roy, Anne Crocker, Eric Latimer; Research coordinator: Mathieu Dostie: mathieu.dostie [at] CIHR: 215-2024

Projet Lotus: L'espoir ensemble: Achieving sustainable housing for women and families leaving sheltered living by shifting to a systems approach (Co-I: Sally Richmond, Logifem, Research coordinator/PhD candidate: Karla Jacobsen: karla.jacobsen [at] Catherine Donnelly Foundation: 2021-2022

"Development of a Research and Practice Agenda on Homelessness and Occupational Therapy in Canada" (Co-Is: Catherine Vallée, Bonnie Kirsh, Carrie Anne Marshall, Rebecca Marval; Research coordinator: Alissa Low), CFOT; 2016-2017

This project aims to build capacity for occupational therapy practitioners, researchers, and educators to strengthen their practices with individuals or groups who are at risk of, experiencing, or transitioning from homelessness. If you are interested in joining the group and mailing list, please communicate with me @ laurence.roy [at], or with the project coordinator at alissa.low [at]




Research Areas: 

Community-based occupational therapy

Psychosocial rehabilitation

Housing and homelessness

Mental health

Recovery and community integration

Selected publications: 

Roy, L., Leclair, M., Côté, M., & Crocker, A. (2020). Itinérance, santé mentale, justice : expérience et perceptions des utilisateurs de services à Montréal. Criminologie, 53(2), 359-383. doi:

Roy, L., Crocker, A.G., Hurtubise, R., Latimer, E., Côté, M., Billette, I., Boissy, F. (2020). Reducing criminal justice involvement of individuals experiencing homelessness and mental illness: Perspectives of frontline practitioners. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. doi: 10.3138/cjccj.2019-0056

Alunni-Menichini, K., Bertrand, K., Roy, L., & Brousselle, A. (2020). Current emergency response in montreal: How does it fit in the services offered to homeless people who use substances? International Journal of Drug Policy, 102758. doi:

McAll, C., Roy, L., Coulombe, S., Doucet, M-J., Keays, N. (2019). L’approche globale en accompagnement résidentiel. Revue du CREMIS, 11(2), 4-10.

Marshall, C.A., Boland, L., Westover, L, Wickett, S., Roy, L., Mace, J., Gewurtz, R., Barbic, S. & Kirsch. (2019). Occupational experiences of homelessness: A systematic review and meta-aggregation. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/11038128.2019.1689292

Salsi, S., Awadallah, Y, B. Leclair, A., Breault, M-L., Duong, T. & Roy, L. (2017). Occupational needs and priorities of women experiencing homelessness. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 84(4), 230-242. doi: 10.1177/0008417417719725

Roy, L., Vallée, C., Kirsh, B. H., Marshall, C. A., Marval, R., & Low, A. (2017). Occupation-based practices and homelessness: A scoping review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 0008417416688709. doi:10.1177/0008417416688709

Roy, L., Crocker, A. G., Nicholls, T. L., Latimer, E., & Isaak, C. A. (2016). Predictors of criminal justice system trajectories of homeless adults living with mental illness. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 49, Part A, 75-83. doi:

Low, A., Daniel, C., Auger, C., Kadoch, R., Rouleau, S. & Roy, L. (2016). Students’ reflection on recovery in research and clinical practice: Lessons learned and unanswered questions. Occupational Therapy Now, 18(5), p.18-19.

Roy, L., Crocker, A. G., Nicholls, T. L., Latimer, E., Gozdzik, A., O'Campo, P., & Rae, J. (2016). Profiles of criminal justice system involvement of mentally ill homeless adults. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 45, 75-88. doi:

Roy, L., Rousseau, J., Fortier, P. & Mottard, J.P. (2016). Postsecondary academic achievement and first-episode psychosis: a mixed-methods study. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(1), p.42-52. doi:10.1177/0008417415575143.

Crocker, A.G., Nicholls, T.L., Seto, M.C, Roy, L., Leclair, M.C, Brink, J, Simpson, A. & Côté, G. (2015) Research Priorities in Mental Health, Justice, and Safety: A Multidisciplinary Stakeholder Report. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 14(3), 205-217. doi: 10.1080/14999013.2015.1073197

Roy L, Crocker AG, Nicholls T, Latimer E and Reyes Ayllon A. (2014). Criminal behavior and victimization among mentally ill homeless individuals: A systematic review. Psychiatric Services, 65(6): 739-750.

Roy L, Rousseau J, Fortier P and Mottard JP. (2013). Patterns of daily time use of young adults with or without first-episode psychosis. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 29(3): 232-245.

Roy L., Rousseau J, Fortier P and Mottard JP. (2013). Transitions to adulthood in first-episode psychosis: A comparative study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 7(2): 162-169.

Roy L, Rousseau J, Fortier P and Mottard JP. (2013). Housing and home-leaving experiences of young adults with psychotic disorders: A qualitative comparative study. Community Mental Health Journal, 49(5): 515-527.

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