Undergraduate Research Trainees

Undergraduate Research Trainees

In order to be considered as an undergraduate research trainee at McGill, eligibility criteria must be met before acceptance. 

Review the options available listed below.

IMPORTANT: Any individual that does not fall within one of the research trainee categories and is considering working on a research project over the course of the Summer would be deemed an employee. Therefore, payments should be processed as 'work for pay' through the Payroll system for relevant hours worked during the summer months.

Type of Trainee Description
Undergraduate Research Trainee

Undergraduate students from other Canadian and international universities (and exceptionally, local CEGEP or high-school students) who conduct research at McGill University are recorded as undergraduate research trainees. 

For more details, review the information presented on the Student Records website under Undergraduate Research Trainees.

Learn more about eligibility to award payments through BSA.

Summer Award Payments Students who continue to participate on research projects over the course of the summer must meet eligibility criteria in order to be paid an award/stipend. For more information, review the Summer Award Payments section.

Undergraduate Student Research Awards

Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) are meant to stimulate undergraduate students' interest in research. They are also meant to encourage students to undertake graduate studies and pursue a research career.

There are several award programs that fund undergraduate student research projects at McGill (and sometimes off-campus). These programs usually take place during the summer. For more information, review the following websites listed below:

NSERC: Undergraduate Student Research Awards

NSERC: Industrial Undergraduate Student Research Awards

SURA: Science Undergraduate Research Awards

FRSQ: Undergraduate Student Research Awards

SURE: Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering

In addition to the conditions stipulated by respective agencies, students must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to receive one of the above mentioned awards:

  • Be registered McGill students OR
  • Be registered McGill students in the Winter term (if they are to hold the award in the Summer term) OR
  • Be registered as an Undergraduate Research Trainee (URT).

How to Process Payments

Student stipends/award payments must be processed through BSA using the Award Processing Form (APF). Award Processors should indicate in the payment comments that the award is either for a Summer Research Project, an Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA), or an Undergraduate Research Trainee (URT) as one of the allowable options to pay students. This will facilitate the disbursement of funds by the Central Office.

If a BSA Aid Fund(s) must be created, the award processor can create an aid fund ‘on-the-fly’ from the Award Processing form when the funding source is:

  • A research grant/contract (fund type 2F or 2M linked to a grant) paying a student stipend
  • A granting agency award direct to student (fund type 2C or 2E linked to a grant)
  • For all other fund types, the user must submit an Aid Fund Code (AFC) Request form.

Payment Notes

  • NSERC and FRSQ USRA awards will be submitted and disbursed with the exception of FRSQ USRA awards in the Faculty of Medicine. Learn more about NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award and Graduate and Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities.
  • Undergraduate Student Research Awards are often funded (wholly or partially) through an external agency.  Some of these agencies require the signature of a university representative. These requests for signature should be sent to the Fellowships Officer in Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS).
  • Some Undergraduate Student Research Awards require matching funding. In these cases, when the funding for the award is to come from multiple sources, multiple award payments must be made through the BSA APF – one payment per funding source. When processing a USRA, the user should indicate in the payment comments that the payment is for a USRA.


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