SP0095: McGill Energy Project 2

Status: COMPLETED Fall 2013

The McGill Energy Project’s objective is to help drive McGill’s energy system towards a more sustainable future through a process that leaves its participants with the tools needed to affect change in energy systems at large. They had great success in the first 18 months of operation, and the McGill Energy Project 2 SPF project provided the funding to have Marc-Etienne Brunet carry out demanding administrative tasks over the course of the summer.

The McGill Energy Project’s objective is to help drive McGill’s energy system towards a more sustainable future through a process that leaves its participants with the tools needed to affect change in energy systems at large. Thus, this dual objective looks to both build a more energetically-sustainable campus, and lead its participants through a valuable experiential education.

Over the course of the last 18 months, the McGill Energy Project (MEP) has grown from an idea held by two keen students, to an organization with strong faculty and staff partnerships, seven core student-leaders, twelve students working on applied student research (ASR) projects, and a half-dozen other volunteers.

While this is an excellent start, we believe the MEP has the potential to be both more effective and resilient. We have attached a list of six areas critical to development as identified by the MEP team: ensuring continued leadership, targeting sustainable-energy specific ASR learning outcomes, further improving the ASR process, building a formal role for staff and faculty, discussing “constructive student lobbying”, and increasing our visibility. We have proposed a methodology for each, as well as an underlying execution & reporting process. Together they form a summer plan to help the MEP realize these potentials.

See Also: McGill Energy Project Interns (SP0067)

For further information conerning this project, or to get in touch with its members, please contact the krista.houser [at] mcgill.ca (SPF Administration Team).

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