SP0338: Launching Systemic Solutions to Lab Waste Management at McGill

Status: APPROVED April 2023

This project will implement systemic solutions to lab waste management challenges at McGill by developing University‐level infrastructure and procedures to reduce and recycle non‐hazardous waste.


Project Number





Downtown, Macdonald


PDF icon SP0338 Full Application


Read the full project description

Previous nonhazardous waste management projects demonstrated the urgent need to transcend individual actions and provide institutional support for nonhazardous waste management in labs. This project will develop Universitylevel infrastructure and resources, administrative and operational procedures to reduce, reuse and recycle nonhazardous lab waste at McGill. It will promote environmental sustainability through the proper handling and sorting of waste in hundreds of labs and the diversion of nonhazardous lab waste from landfills and incineration. Financial efficiencies will be realised through consolidation of operational support and resources, and the coordination of relevant units such as Buildings & Grounds, Procurement Services and Environmental Health & Safety (EHS). SPF funding will be used to:

  1. Develop, distribute and promote standardised institutional signage, infrastructure and guidance for nonhazardous lab waste management.
  2. Develop waste reduction, reuse and recycling strategies for at least one major non‐hazardous lab waste stream across multiple labs and faculties (within existing university guidelines).
  3. Draft new University policy for review and ratification to divert a priority non‐hazardous lab waste stream.
  4. Provide dedicated staff (one full‐time Sustainability Officer and one Sustainability Intern) to provide leadership, support administrative units and lab user groups, implement best practices, and draft policies.

Project actions will be implemented in phases, while Education & Outreach, and Monitoring & Evaluation will be continuous:

Phase 1‐ Data collection and baseline development ‐Conduct waste audits, consult lab users, McGill support units and service potential providers (McGill units, Recyc‐Quebec, Eco‐Entreprise, etc.) to determine waste streams, existing infrastructure and available professional waste management options (see Appendix 5).

Phase 2‐ Identify feasible lab waste reduction, reuse and recycling strategies ‐Develop practical reuse and recycling strategies for at least one material (e.g. plastic resin class) or item (e.g. packaging, equipment) for waste reduction within existing McGill guidelines.

Phase 3‐ Waste diversion strategy implementation, monitoring and control ‐Develop University‐level recycling contracts for at least one new waste stream (e.g., single use pipette tips, tip boxes or ice packs). ‐Develop agreements with key McGill vendors to facilitate switch to sustainable packaging (biodegradable/reusable wrapping) or take‐back of unsustainable packaging. ‐Facilitate reuse and sharing through i) sharing of lab supplies through annual inventory exchange event, ii) strategic equipment purchases such as dishwashers and racks, iii) subsidised and incentivised reusable labware such as glass pipettes, petri dishes, vials, tubes, tip boxes etc. ‐Develop policy and guidelines for recycling triple washed recyclable items (e.g., pipette tips), or for composting organic waste materials from lab facilities (e.g., food waste, bedding, plants, soil, etc.). Design project to implement new policy, once ratified.

Phase 4‐ Project reporting and closure.

Continuous Communications, Outreach and Promotions:

  • Develop and distribute education and awareness materials for lab users and custodial staff: Standardized signage (Recyc QC) for McGill labs; Lab waste slide for mandatory training; Updated waste section in Sustainable Labs Guide; Video vignettes demonstrating proper sorting and decontamination techniques; Downloadable resource sheets and posters; and a Presentation kit for tabling at events: orientations, research expos, etc.
  • Facilitate peer‐peer education and awareness through trained sustainable lab ambassadors.

Project Milestones and indicators will be established during Phase 1. Then there will be continuous monitoring and evaluation of project progress andstakeholder feedback.

Detailed project activities are attached in Appendix 1.

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kimberly.john [at] mcgill.ca (Kimberly John)
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