62 results in Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter), Major (remove filter)
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The undergraduate music history program will challenge you to think critically about music. Course materials explore topics like the place of music in different cultural contexts, the social condition of musicians, the...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Religious Studies Major, accompanied by a Bachelor of Theology, teaches you the academic disciplines of theology while preparing you for ministry in the contemporary world. Emphasis is placed on the Canadian and North...
Major, Honours, Liberal Program, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Atmospheric science helps us to predict the weather and better understand complex climate patterns. This program will provide you with the necessary knowledge to develop short- and long-range weather and climate predictions,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Faculty Program in Music: Jazz is designed for students who trained as jazz musicians and who are interested in a pattern of specialization not provided in the established major programs, or who are interested in combining...
Major, Minor, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
 Statistics is motivated by the need to extract information from data, quantify uncertainty, and make predictions about random phenomena. Sophisticated mathematical and probabilistic techniques and computational tools are...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Kinesiology, the study of human movement, is also largely known as exercise or sport science. The Minor Kinesiology is designed to provide students in B.Sc. programs with basic but comprehensive knowledge of scientific bases...
Major, Honours, Joint Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Department of East Asian Studies offers a rigorous, innovative and interdisciplinary environment to learn about critical and historical approaches to the study of East Asian arts, cultures, history, languages, literatures...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you curious about the landforms and landscapes that make up the Earth's surface? What about the effect of the environment on human health? Are you concerned about the human dimensions of climate change, and the extent and...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Earth System Science (ESYS) concentrates on the links between the Earth's biological, chemical, physical and human subsystems. It examines the cycling of energy and matter through the biosphere, the atmosphere, the cryosphere...
Major, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Music theorists focus on developing models and methods for understanding musical languages. How are specific pieces of music put together and how may this be generalized to relate to the way other pieces of music are composed...


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