42 results in Macdonald Campus (remove filter), Downtown (Montreal) Campus (remove filter), Business and economics (remove filter)
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
If you're interested in the life sciences and engineering, Bioresource Engineering is the program for you. As world populations rise, so do our requirements for food, renewable energy and bio-materials. This growing demand...
Major, Minor
Macdonald Campus
Agricultural Economics is a field of applied economics that aims to optimize the ways we produce and distribute food. This program will give you a foundation in agriculture and international development, food systems, trade...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Gain insight into the contemporary global business landscape with a concentration in Strategic Management—Global Strategy. A strategic focus on globalization is a key requirement for organizations across the world. As a...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
No matter where your career takes you, a Minor in Management from Desautels at McGill University will prepare you to make smarter decisions in business. Management courses will help you develop a variety of managerial skills...
Major, Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you committed to transforming business as we know it? The McGill Managing for Sustainability major will help you unlock the potential for businesses to make positive contributions toward environmental, economic and social...
Major, Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Contemporary business activities can no longer be considered separately from the pressing social and environmental challenges that we face.   The Strategic Management Major brings together traditional strategic management...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
This domain explores the way in which the resources necessary for human society are extracted from the earth, used as raw materials in our factories and refineries, and then returned to the earth as waste. Geological processes...
Joint Honours
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
With an Honours degree in Economics and Accounting at McGill, you will develop in-demand skills for a rewarding career in the economics profession or accounting industry.   Your accounting courses will help you master the...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
If you’re seeking the knowledge and practical experience to develop a business from the ground-up, the Entrepreneurship concentration is for you. The concentration is designed for students who are interested in new businesses...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Offered through the Bensadoun School of Retail Management at McGill University, a Retail Management Concentration combines business fundamentals with real-time, experiential learning opportunities honouring the growing...


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