61 results in Minor Concentration (remove filter)
Major Concentration, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Le Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création occupe une position unique à l'Université McGill, puisque tout s'y déroule en français au même titre que dans une université francophone. Situé...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Political Science is the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behaviour. You can study politics from a range of perspectives – from theory, philosophy, ideology and economy, to ...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Anthropology offers a unique opportunity to understand human cultural diversity. You can compare your own culture with those which are remote in time, geographic distance, or simply in terms of cultural difference. Studying...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Through history, art has communicated how people from different times and cultures understand themselves and the world around them.  As an art history student at McGill, you will learn how trends in art, architecture and...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
For centuries, society’s best and brightest have made ground-breaking scientific discoveries that have radically changed the way we live. Looking back on this history can help us not only to better understand parts of history...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Philosophy is the study of the nature of existence, knowledge, truth and ethics. Studying philosophy entails a particular way, or ways, of thinking while emphasizing clarity in expression (both written and verbal), and rigor...
Major Concentration, Honours, Joint Honours, Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Latin-American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the peoples, cultures, history, literature, politics, economy, and geography of Latin America and the Caribbean.    This program...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Behavioural science is the study of human actions and interactions – from observing and interpreting behaviours, to intervening and modifying them.  If you are pursuing a Major in Psychology, you can benefit from the Minor in...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Department of East Asian Studies offers a rigorous, innovative and interdisciplinary environment to learn about critical and historical approaches to the study of East Asian arts, cultures, histories, languages,...
Minor Concentration
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Are you a social science or humanities undergraduate student that wishes to gain a broader interdisciplinary understanding of medicine and health issues?   The Social Studies of Medicine Minor Concentration will allow you to...


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