Child working on wave art project

Arts-Based Pedagogy

In this section you will find educators sharing their experiences using arts-based methods in reconciliatory practices.


Community-Based Research Projects

The following school and community-based research projects, led by Claudia Mitchell (McGill University), use arts-based practices to engage with Indigenous youth around issues such as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, youth leadership, masculinities, and issues of gender and sexuality:

More Than Words:PDF icon claudia_mtw_5.pdf

Pathways to Equity: PDF icon claudia_p2e_5.pdf

front pages of pdfs from claudia projects

Walking Alongside: in Arts-Based Curriculum

In this workshop, guided by Jessica Houston (art educator), pre-K and second grade students made paintings inspired by Indigenous and non-Indigenous children’s literature about plants and the natural world. PDF icon fnl_arts-based_curriculum_3.pdf

front and inside page of arts based curriculum pdf

Walking Alongside: The Songwriting Project

The Walking Alongside Songwriting Project continues the work begun in The Reconciliation Project (Jennifer Hayden): PDF icon reconciliationproject.pdf by bringing together an Indigenous (Kateri School, Kahnawake) and non-Indigenous (St. Edmund Elementary School, Beaconsfield) school to connect and write a song together reflecting on the process of reconciliation. PDF icon wa_thesongwritingproject_8.pdf

front cover and inside page of songwriting project pdf

This video reflects the process of 'walking alongside' through the songwriting project between teachers (Jennifer Hayden and Penny Berg-Patton) and students at St. Edmunds Elementary School (Beaconsfield) and Kateri School (Kahnawake) in Quebec:

Canadian Art Education Resource Guides

These guides offer curated lessons for grades 7-12 centered on Canadian visual artists’ work. Various themes are listed under each module, and some include: Family and Intergenerational Knowledge;Community and Land Stewardship; Land and Indigenous worldviews; and Decolonization.



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