Recommended actions and resources

Project stage Role Activity
Initiation Owner or sponsor

First, meet with Digital Communications to get an evaluation of the options available to you:

  • We may be able to find a way to accommodate your needs on an existing platform, which will save time and money.
  • We'll help you evaluate your branding requirements and URL, which will streamline the IT acquisition and setup process.
  • We can provide support for usability and performance evaluations.
  • We'll provide personalized recommendations for resources, vendors, and next steps.
  • A small number of strategically necessary custom sites are eligible for design, usability, and compliance evaluation services.

After meeting with us, most projects will continue with:


Owner or sponsor

  Site manager

Attend training and review documentation for:

  • Writing for the Web at McGill (WS-100)
  • McGill's Digital Standards (WS-101)
  • Designing Digital Experiences with the McGill Brand (WS-102)
  • (UX at McGill (WS-103) is also required if you'll be conducting user testing activities)

Sign the User Access Guidelines form

Request an analytics consultation (if available), conduct user research and/or testing

  Web designers & developers

Thoroughly review Digital Standards documentation and identify when and how compliance will be addressed during the project

Review resources available through McGill DS (ask questions or request support as needed)

Design Web designers

Review and respect all applicable provisions of the McGill Visual Identity Guide

Consider applicable Digital Standards, particularly:

Use the McGill DS Sketch library to accelerate design/prototyping

  Site manager

Request access to McGill DS for designers and developers (if desired)

Review design work to verify compliance with Digital Standards and Visual Identity Guide. 

Share and discuss work with Digital Communications as well as the owner or sponsor. Ensure a user-focused, data-driven review of design work. This may include additional user research or testing activities.

Prepare content in alignment with Digital Standards and the Web Style Guide

Development Web developers

Identify and plan for the appropriate McGill hosting option

Consider applicable Digital Standards, particularly:

Use the McGill DS Storybook resource to accelerate development. Connect with Digital Communications for any questions about the design system. 

  Site manager

Review development work to verify compliance with Digital Standards and Visual Identity Guide. Document this review and share with Digital Communications

Share and discuss work with owner or sponsor. Ensure a user-focused, data-driven review of development work. This may include additional user research or testing activities.

Pre-launch Web designers and developers

Conduct a final accessibility audit and address any issues prior to launch. Obtain or prepare an Accessibility Conformance Report. Document this work and share with Digital Communications

Prepare and include an accessibility page. Be sure to include documentation of all icons used and their meaning (required by the Standard sur l'accessibilité des sites Web (SGQRI 008 2.0)).

  Site manager Do a final review of all content for alignment with applicable Digital Standards and the Web Style Guide
Post-launch Site manager Recommended: Conduct post-launch evaluations to measure whether project and user needs are satisfied
  Web designers and developers

Recommended: Make design and/or code updates to respond to post-launch evaluation

  Owner or sponsor

Ensure that you have a complete post-launch maintenance plan, including:

  • Ongoing usability and standards compliance evaluation (usually done by Site manager)
  • Regular accessibility reviews and updates to the Accessibility Conformance Report
  • A contract with qualified professional(s) for:
    • Updates necessary for platform security and stability
    • A bank of hours for enhancements or bug fixes
    • Periodic updates to McGill DS components (if used)
  • Share a copy of the contract with Digital Communications
Maintenance Web designers and developers

Perform regular updates for security, stability, accessibility, and other requirements.

Remain in contact with Site manager for other enhancements (as needed).

Follow the McGill DS mailing list for component update recommendations (if applicable).


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