Current Lab Members:


Xiang Qun Shi, Research assistant (2007-) Xiang the research technician of Dr Zhang

Lab manager: Animal models, behavioral testing

and lab management











Sam Wen Bo Zhou, PhD student (2021-)Sam Zhou lab member in dr Zhang lab in white lab coat

Project: Systemic contribution to neuropathic pain













Basma Hamdy, PhD student (2023-) Basma Hamdy student in Dr Zhang lab

Project: Exploring the potential of systemic contribution

to altered pain behavior in aging mice










Ulfuara Shefa, PhD student (2023-) Ulfuara Shefa student in Dr Zhang lab

Project:Dissecting mechanisms underlying the contribution of inflammaging to prolonged pain experience in aging mice











Hong Qian Wang, Master student (2023-)Hong Qian Wang sitting in Grass holding roses in a white dress

Project: The integrity of blood nerve barrier in aging mice














Alain Peng Zhang, Undergraduate student (2022-)Alin Zhang member of Dr zhang lab

Project: Develop new software for large dataset analysis














Marina Sanz, Graduate research trainee (2023-)Marina Sanz

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