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The online version of McGill University’s Annual Report expands on our printed document, collecting even more accomplishments, milestones and highlights from 2012-13. Click on the tabs to the left to browse through the McGill community’s activities during the past year or download a PDF of the print version on the right.

  1. reconnecting with McGill
  2. rebuilding after a winter flood
  3. reinforcing student support through philanthropy
  4. refining how we work during times of change
  5. reshaping the next generation of scholars
  6. remarkable athletes
  7. recalibrating graduate student supervision
  8. renewing global partnerships
  9. research and innovation
  10. refreshing medical curriculum
  11. reimagining the neighbourhood of the future
  12. rethinking how we eat
  13. rewarding community outreach
  14. review: fact book, leadership, faculty honours & hon docs