When “Campaign McGill: History in the Making” closed in June 2013, it raised more than $1 billion— with more than 60 per cent of the donations earmarked for student support, including new programs and learning spaces, and more than 600 new bursaries, scholarships, fellowships and awards.

Some gifts were very large but more than 83 per cent were under $1,000. It all adds up: All told, 95,619 donors from 115 countries contributed $1,03 billion, with the majority of gifts coming from McGill alumni, and Quebecers giving nearly half of the total that was raised from individuals. Nearly all of the money is separate from the University’s operating budget. In addition to the $600 million-plus dedicated to student support, more than  $350 million will support cutting edge research and the recruitment and retention of world-class faculty members, including the creation of 46 new faculty chairs. 

To learn more about how the Campaign has transformed McGill, and to see and hear from students and others who are benefiting from the generosity of donors, visit the Campaign Final Report web site.