McGill became an associate member of TRIUMF, the consortium of universities that owns and operates Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics. TRIUMF constructed parts of the Large Hadron Collider that led to the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. As members, McGill will have input regarding TRIUMF’s research direction, and be able to collaborate with other member institutions.


McGill signed partnership agreements with the Weizmann Institute of Science, Tel-Aviv University's Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Bar-Ilan University. These agreements span cancer research, astrophysics, evolutionary biology, major biomedical research as well as epigenomic research into how exposure to drugs, foods, and physical and emotional trauma affect the brain and the genome. 


McGill and RIKEN, Japan's largest comprehensive research institution, signed an agreement to establish a joint research centre to strengthen opportunities for cooperation, particularly in nanotechnology, green chemistry and advanced biomedical sciences.

Prof. Yeona Jang


McGill signed agreements with the University of Guadalajara and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México covering academic exchanges for students and faculty, joint research activities and organizing conferences and symposia. The signing took place during Premier Pauline Marois’s first economic and trade mission.


McGill entered into a three-year, $1 million dollar partnership with TELUS Health for research and teaching aimed at using technology to improve health and healthcare delivery for Canadians. The first study to receive funds through this partnership is led by Ariane Marell (Medicine) and Yeona Jang (Desautels) and focuses on using remote health monitoring and a patient health portal to improve the delivery of complex medical therapy for patients with chronic cardiovascular disease.