Burney Journal

The Burney Journal (ISSN 1480-6320 [Print], ISSN 2816-802X [Online]) is the annual, peer-reviewed and open-access journal of the Burney Society. 

The Burney Journal is dedicated to the study of the works of the Burney family, especially Frances Burney d’Arblay, her life, her contemporaries, and her times. This annual, interdisciplinary publication invites submissions on all aspects of the Burneys' lives and careers, in a variety of disciplines including literature, history, art, music, and politics. The aims of the journal center on supporting and advocating for eighteenth-century studies broadly, and particularly author studies, women's studies, and cultural studies. The Burney Journal features papers presented at The Burney Society’s annual meetings, which are held in North America and the United Kingdom, along with independent submissions.

Submissions to The Burney Journal must follow MLA format and can vary in length from 5,000 to 7,500 words; for shorter or longer submissions, please contact the editors. New scholars, and authors whose work is in the "idea" stage, are encouraged to contact the editor if they would like guidance prior to submission. Please see The Burney Journal Stylesheet for further instructions. The Burney Journal is indexed by EBSCO and MLA Bibliography and is included in the Directory of Open Access Journals. The online open-access version of the journal is hosted by McGill University's Burney Centre, and print versions of the journal are published by the University of Tennessee.

Address e-mail correspondence to the Editor of the Burney Journal, Sophie Coulombeau, at burney.editor [at] gmail.com.



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